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TAC Expositions

TAC Reprints

Cahiers Index

Vol. 42 - Hofstra Festschrift
Vol. 41 - 2024
Vol. 40 - Bunge Festschrift
Vol. 39 - 2023
Vol. 38 - 2022
Vol. 37 - 2021
Vol. 36 - Rosebrugh Festschrift
Vol. 35 - 2020
Vol. 34 - 2019
Vol. 33 - 2018
Vol. 32 - 2017
Vol. 31 - 2016
Vol. 30 - 2015
Vol. 29 - 2014
Vol. 28 - 2013
Vol. 27 - CT2011
Vol. 26 - 2012
Vol. 25 - 2011
Vol. 24 - 2010
Vol. 23 - Bourn Festschrift
Vol. 22 - 2009
Vol. 21 - Tholen Festschrift
Vol. 20 - 2008
Vol. 19 - CT2006
Vol. 18 - 2007
Vol. 17 - Chu spaces
Vol. 16 - 2006
Vol. 15 - CT2004
Vol. 14 - 2005
Vol. 13 - Carboni Festschrift
Vol. 12 - 2004
Vol. 11 - 2003
Vol. 10 - 2002
Vol. 9 - CT2000
Vol. 8 - 2001
Vol. 7 - 2000
Vol. 6 - Lambek Festschrift
Vol. 5 - 1999
Vol. 4 - 1998
Vol. 3 - 1997
Vol. 2 - 1996
Vol. 1 - 1995


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Theory and Applications of Categories

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ISSN 1201 - 561X

Volume 42 - Hofstra Festschrift*

A special volume celebrating Pieter Hofstra's contributions to category theory.

The guest editors, 1-1

1. What is the universal property of the 2-category of monads?
Stephen Lack and Adrian Miranda, 2-18
abstract | pdf

2. Inner automorphisms as 2-cells
Pieter Hofstra and Martti Karvonen, 19-40
abstract | pdf

3. Topological endomorphism monoids of models of geometric theories
Morgan Rogers, 41-58
abstract | pdf

4. Quotients, pure existential completions and arithmetic universes
Maria Emilia Maietti and Davide Trotta, 59-83
abstract | pdf

5. Inner automorphisms of groupoids
Richard Garner, 84-101
abstract | pdf

6. Classical Distributive Restriction Categories
Robin Cockett and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, 102-144
abstract | pdf

7. Factorization Systems for Restriction Categories
Robin Cockett, G.S.H. Cruttwell, Jonathan Gallagher, and Dorette Pronk, 145-171
abstract | pdf

8. The least subtopos containing the discrete skeleton of Ω
M. Menni, 172-179
abstract | pdf

9. The eventual image
Tom Leinster, 180-221
abstract | pdf

10. Weak vertical composition
Eugenia Cheng and Alexander S. Corner, 222-262
abstract | pdf

11. Internal parameterization of hyperconnected quotients
Ryuya Hora, 263-313
abstract | pdf

12. A syntactic characterization of weakly Mal'tsev varieties
Nadja Egner, Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, and Nelson Martins-Ferreira, 314-353
abstract | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Richard Blute, Eugenia Cheng, Robin Cockett, and Phil Scott who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Volume 41 - 2024

1. A Gelfand duality for continuous lattices
Ruiyuan Chen, 1-20
abstract | pdf

2. A Model for the Higher Category of Higher Categories
Nima Rasekh, 21-70
abstract | pdf

3. The category of necklaces is Reedy monoidal
Violeta Borges Marques and Arne Mertens, 71-85
abstract | pdf

4. Pivotality, twisted centres, and the anti-double of a Hopf monad
Sebastian Halbig and Tony Zorman, 86-149
abstract | pdf

5. Twisted separability for adjoint functors
Julien Bichon, 150-167
abstract | pdf

6. Completion under strong homotopy cokernels
Enrico M. Vitale, 168-193
abstract | pdf

7. Directed degeneracy maps for precubical sets
Philippe Gaucher, 194-237
abstract | pdf

8. Uniform locales and their constructive aspects
Graham Manuell, 238-267
abstract | pdf

9. A Quillen model structure of local homotopy equivalences
Guillermo Cortiñas, Devarshi Mukherjee, 268-287
abstract | pdf

10. Formal category theory in augmented virtual double categories
Seerp Roald Koudenburg, 288-413
abstract | pdf

11. Ideally Exact Categories
George Janelidze, 414-425
abstract | pdf

12. On reachability categories, persistence, and commuting algebras of quivers
Luigi Caputi, Henri Riihimäki, 426-448
abstract | pdf

13. Existence of groupoid models for diagrams of groupoid correspondences
Joanna Ko and Ralf Meyer, 449-469
abstract | pdf

14. Semisimplicity manifesting as categorical smallness
Alexandru Chirvasitu, 470-492
abstract | pdf

15. Left adjoint to precomposition in elementary doctrines
Francesca Guffanti, 493-515
abstract | pdf

16. Lax comma categories: cartesian closedness, extensivity, topologicity, and descent
Maria Manuel Clementino, Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Rui Prezado, 516-530
abstract | pdf

17. Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity
Michael Hoefnagel and Diana Rodelo, 531-550
abstract | pdf

18. Factorization systems and double categories
Miloslav Štěpán, 551-592
abstract | pdf

19. Towards a new cohomology theory for strict Lie 2-groups
Camilo Angulo, 593-666
abstract | pdf

20. Adjoint functor theorems for lax-idempotent pseudomonads
Nathanael Arkor, Ivan Di Liberti, and Fosco Loregian, 667-685
abstract | pdf

21. The core groupoid can suffice
Ross Street, 686-706
abstract | pdf

22. Bicategorical traces and cotraces
Justin Barhite, 707-759
abstract | pdf

23. Closed symmetric monoidal structures on the category of graphs
Krzysztof Kapulkin and Nathan Kershaw, 760-784
abstract | pdf

24. Free precategories as presheaf categories
Simon Forest and Samuel Mimram, 785-824
abstract | pdf

25. From Specker ℓ-groups to boolean algebras via Γ
Daniele Mundici, 825-837
abstract | pdf

26. Lifting twisted coreflections against delta lenses
Bryce Clarke, 838-877
abstract | pdf

27. Relative ideals in homological categories with an application to MV-algebras
Serafina Lapenta, Giuseppe Metere, and Luca Spada, 878-893
abstract | pdf

28. Indexed Grothendieck construction
Elena Caviglia and Luca Mesiti, 894-926
abstract | pdf

29. On domain-like objects in the category of unitary rings
W.D. Burgess, R. Raphael, 927-959
abstract | pdf

30. Pointwise Kan extensions along 2-fibrations and the 2-category of elements
Luca Mesiti, 960-994
abstract | pdf

31. Weak vertical composition II: totalities
Eugenia Cheng and Alexander S. Corner, 995-1043
abstract | pdf

32. Torsion aspects of varieties of simplicial groups
Guillermo López Cafaggi, 1044-1076
abstract | pdf

33. The category of extensions and idempotent completion
R. Bennett-Tennenhaus, J. Haugland, M. H. Sandøy and A. Shah, 1077-1107
abstract | pdf

34. Kleisli categories, T-categories and internal categories
Dominique Bourn, 1108-1159
abstract | pdf

35. Some properties of internal locale morphisms externalised
Joshua L. Wrigley, 1160-1202
abstract | pdf

36. Condensation inversion and Witt equivalence via generalised orbifolds
Vincentas Mulevičius, 1203-1292
abstract | pdf

37. Categorical generalisations of quantum double models
Anna-Katharina Hirmer and Catherine Meusburger, 1293-1351
abstract | pdf

38. String diagrams for 4-categories and fibrations of mapping 4-groupoids
Manuel Araújo, 1352-1398
abstract | pdf

39. The stable category of preordered groups
Aline Michel, 1399-1415
abstract | pdf

40. Towards constructivising the Freyd-Mitchell Embedding Theorem
Anna Giulia Montaruli, 1416-1438
abstract | pdf

41. Filtral pretoposes and compact Hausdorff locales
Célia Borlido, Panagis Karazeris, Luca Reggio, and Konstantinos Tsamis, 1439-1475
abstract | pdf

42. A 2-categorical analysis of context comprehension
Greta Coraglia and Jacopo Emmenegger, 1476-1512
abstract | pdf

43. From Ramsey degrees to Ramsey expansions via weak amalgamation
Dragan Mašulović and Andy Zucker, 1513-1535
abstract | pdf

44. Monadic functors forgetful of (dis)inhibited actions
Alexandru Chirvasitu, 1536-1556
abstract | pdf

45. Comparing 2-crossed modules with Gray 3-groups
Murat Sarikaya and Erdal Ulualan, 1557-1595
abstract | pdf

46. Graded braided commutativity in Hochschild cohomology
Javier Cóppola and Andrea Solotar, 1596-1643
abstract | pdf

Volume 40 - Bunge Festschrift*

A special volume celebrating Marta Bunge's contributions to category theory.

The guest editors, 1-2

1. Monoidal centres and groupoid-graded categories
Branko Nikolić and Ross Street, 3-31
abstract | pdf

2. Normalizers in the non-pointed context
Dominique Bourn, 32-62
abstract | pdf

3. Cartesian Closed Double Categories
Susan Niefield, 63-79
abstract | pdf

4. Geometric morphisms between toposes of monoid actions: factorization systems
Jens Hemelaer and Morgan Rogers, 80-129
abstract | pdf

5. Retrocells
Robert Paré, 130-179
abstract | pdf

6. Lax comma 2-categories and admissible 2-functors
Maria Manuel Clementino and Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, 180-226
abstract | pdf

7. On the metrical and quantalic versions of the *-autonomous category of sup-lattices
Walter Tholen, 227-248
abstract | pdf

8. On coherent systems of subobjects with application to torsion theories
Francis Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, 249-277
abstract | pdf

9. Distributive idempotents in an order-enriched category
Christopher Townsend, 278-300
abstract | pdf

10. Birkhoff subfibrations of the codomain fibration
A. S. Cigoli and S. Mantovani, 301-323
abstract | pdf

11. Integration of 1-forms and connections
Anders Kock, 324-336
abstract | pdf

12. Duality for positive opetopes and positive zoom complexes
Marek Zawadowski, 337-370
abstract | pdf

13. A comonad for Grothendieck fibrations
Jacopo Emmenegger, Luca Mesiti, Giuseppe Rosolini, and Thomas Streicher, 371-389
abstract | pdf

14. The oplax limit of an enriched category
Soichiro Fujii and Stephen Lack, 390-412
abstract | pdf

15. Bi-directional models of `Radically Synthetic' Differential Geometry
Matías Menni, 413-429
abstract | pdf

16. KZ-pseudomonads and Kan injectivity
Ivan Di Liberti, Gabriele Lobbia, and Lurdes Sousa, 430-478
abstract | pdf

17. Higher coverings of racks and quandles - Part I
Fara Renaud, 479-536
abstract | pdf

18. The 2-localization of a model category
Dubuc E. J., Girabel J., 537-574
abstract | pdf

Postface: Remembrances of Marta Bunge
Silvia Bunge, Andrée Ehresmann, and Valeria de Paiva, 575-578

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Maria Manuel Clementino, Valeria de Paiva, and Jonathon Funk who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Volume 39 - 2023

1. Johnstone-Gleason covers for partially ordered sets
Vakhtang Abashidze, 1-20
abstract | pdf

2. A Hofmann-Mislove theorem for approach spaces
Junche Yu and Dexue Zhang, 21-50
abstract | pdf

3. Finite symmetries of quantum character stacks
Corina Keller and Lukas Müller, 51-97
abstract | pdf

4. Enhanced twisted arrow categories
Fernando Abellán García and Walker H. Stern, 98-149
abstract | pdf

5. A Gray-categorical pasting theorem
Nicola Di Vittorio, 150-171
abstract | pdf

6. Pointed semibiproducts of monoids
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, 172-185
abstract | pdf

7. Corrigendum to "On the normally ordered tensor product and duality for Tate objects"
Oliver Braunling, Michael Groechenig, Aron Heleodoro, and Jesse Wolfson, 186-188
abstract | pdf

8. On the construction of Noetherian forms for algebraic structures
Francois Koch van Niekerk, 189-206
abstract | pdf

9. Fréchet modules and descent
Oren Ben-Bassat and Kobi Kremnizer, 207-266
abstract | pdf

10. Presentations for Globular Operads
Rhiannon Griffiths, 267-321
abstract | pdf

11. Partial evaluations and the compositional structure of the bar construction
Carmen Constantin, Tobias Fritz, Paolo Perrone, and Brandon T. Shapiro, 322-364
abstract | pdf

12. Colimits in enriched ∞-categories and Day convolution
Vladimir Hinich, 365-422
abstract | pdf

13. Centrality and the commutativity of finite products with coequalisers
Michael Hoefnagel, 423-443
abstract | pdf

14. Addendum to "Rank-based persistence"
Mattia G. Bergomi and Pietro Vertechi, 444-446
abstract | pdf

15. The over-topos at a model
Olivia Caramello and Axel Osmond, 447-492
abstract | pdf

16. Exponentiability in categories of relational structures
Jason Parker, 493-518
abstract | pdf

17. Quasi-uniform Structures and Functors
Minani Iragi and David Holgate, 519-534
abstract | pdf

18. Operads for Symmetric Monoidal Categories
A. D. Elmendorf, 535-544
abstract | pdf

19. On Rota-Baxter Lie 2-algebras
Shilong Zhang and Jiefeng Liu, 545-566
abstract | pdf

20. Generalized principal bundles and quotient stacks
Elena Caviglia, 567-597
abstract | pdf

21. The category of L-algebras
Wolfgang Rump, 598-624
abstract | pdf

22. Firm homomorphisms of rings and semigroups
Leandro Marín and Valdis Laan, 625-666
abstract | pdf

23. Symmetries of data sets and functoriality of persistent homology
Wojciech Chachólski, Alessandro De Gregorio, Nicola Quercioli and Francesca Tombari, 667-686
abstract | pdf

24. Ideals and continuity for quantaloid-enriched categories
Min Liu, Shengwei Han and Isar Stubbe, 687-713
abstract | pdf

25. On Enriched Categories and Induced Representations
Joshua A. Leslie and Ralph A. Twum, 714-734
abstract | pdf

26. On the homotopy hypothesis for 3-groupoids
Simon Henry and Edoardo Lanari, 735-768
abstract | pdf

27. On Multi-Determinant Functors for Triangulated Categories
Ettore Aldrovandi and Cynthia Lester, 769-803
abstract | pdf

28. Hopf Monads on Biproducts
Masahito Hasegawa and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, 804-823
abstract | pdf

29. Bifunctor Theorem and strictification tensor product for double categories with lax double functors
Bojana Femić, 824-873
abstract | pdf

30. Category-colored operads, internal operads, and Markl O-operads
Dominik Trnka, 874-915
abstract | pdf

31. Categorical-Algebraic Properties of Lattice-ordered Groups
Andrea Cappelletti, 916-948
abstract | pdf

32. Surjection-like classes of morphisms
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, 949-1013
abstract | pdf

33. Erratum to "The monotone-light factorization for 2-categories via 2-preorders"
João J. Xarez, 1014-1017
abstract | pdf

34. Pseudocommutativity and lax idempotency for relative pseudomonads
Andrew Slattery, 1018-1049
abstract | pdf

35. Injective symmetric quantaloid-enriched categories
Lili Shen and Hang Yang, 1050-1076
abstract | pdf

36. Differential Bundles in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
G.S.H. Cruttwell and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, 1077-1120
abstract | pdf

37. Q-system completeness of unitary connections
Mainak Ghosh, 1121-1151
abstract | pdf

Volume 38 - 2022

1. Detecting model categories among Quillen categories using homotopies
Seunghun Lee, 1-26
abstract | pdf

2. Weak Fraïssé categories
Wiesław Kubiś, 27-63
abstract | pdf

3. On the classification of symplectic DQ-algebroids
Paul Bressler and Juan Diego Rojas, 64-100
abstract | pdf

4. Q-system completion is a 3-functor
Quan Chen and David Penneys, 101-134
abstract | pdf

5. The closed model structure on the category of weakly unital dg categories: an addendum
Piergiorgio Panero and Boris Shoikhet, 135-155
abstract | pdf

6. Gysin functors, correspondences, and the Grothendieck-Witt category
Daniel Dugger, 156-213
abstract | pdf

7. The Interpretation Lifting Theorem for C-Systems
Anthony Bordg, 214-231
abstract | pdf

8. On Krull-Schmidt bicategories
Ivo Dell'Ambrogio, 232-256
abstract | pdf

9. On dualizable objects in monoidal bicategories
Piotr Pstrągowski, 257-310
abstract | pdf

10. A note on images of cover relations
J. R. A. Gray, 311-318
abstract | pdf

11. On Infinite Matroids with Strong Maps: Proto-Exactness and Finiteness Conditions
Chris Eppolito and Jaiung Jun, 319-327
abstract | pdf

12. Coherence for bicategories, lax functors, and shadows
Cary Malkiewich and Kate Ponto, 328-373
abstract | pdf

13. Linearizing Combinators
Robin Cockett and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, 374-431
abstract | pdf

14. Erratum to "Exact sequences in the enchilada category"
M. Eryüzlü, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 432-435
abstract | pdf

15. A modular functor from state sums for finite tensor categories and their bimodules
Jürgen Fuchs, Gregor Schaumann, and Christoph Schweigert, 436-594
abstract | pdf

16. Twisted arrow categories, operads and Segal conditions
Sergei Burkin, 595-660
abstract | pdf

17. Enriched locally generated categories
I. Di Liberti and J. Rosický, 661-683
abstract | pdf

18. Locally bounded enriched categories
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright and Jason Parker, 684-736
abstract | pdf

19. The matrix taxonomy of finitely complete categories
Michael Hoefnagel, Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, and Zurab Janelidze, 737-790
abstract | pdf

20. On the dearth of coproducts in the category of locally compact groups
Alexandru Chirvasitu, 791-810
abstract | pdf

21. Probability monads as codensity monads
Ruben Van Belle, 811-842
abstract | pdf

22. The bicategory of topological correspondences
Rohit Dilip Holkar, 843-897
abstract | pdf

23. Extensivity of categories of relational structures
Jason Parker, 898-912
abstract | pdf

24. Bicategories of fractions revisited: towards small homs and canonical 2-cells
Dorette Pronk and Laura Scull, 913-1014
abstract | pdf

25. Pushforwards and Gauge Transformations for Categorical Connections
Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri, and Ambar N. Sengupta, 1015-1049
abstract | pdf

26. Composing PROBs
Daniel Graves, 1050-1061
abstract | pdf

27. Quantale-Enriched Multicategories Via Actions
Eros Martinelli, 1062-1107
abstract | pdf

28. A topos for continuous logic
Daniel Figueroa and Benno van den Berg, 1108-1135
abstract | pdf

29. Gray-categories model algebraic tricategories
Giovanni Ferrer, 1136-1155
abstract | pdf

30. Homotopy Equivalent Algebraic Structures in Multicategories and Permutative Categories
Niles Johnson and Donald Yau, 1156-1208
abstract | pdf

31. The monotone-light factorization for 2-categories via 2-preorders
João J. Xarez, 1209-1226
abstract | pdf

32. Non-pointed abelian categories
Arnaud Duvieusart, Sandra Mantovani, Andrea Montoli, 1227-1248
abstract | pdf

33. Double Categories of Relations
Michael Lambert, 1249-1283
abstract | pdf

34. Simple string diagrams and n-sesquicategories
Manuel Araújo, 1284-1325
abstract | pdf

35. Double Fibrations
G.S.H. Cruttwell, M.J. Lambert, D.A. Pronk, and M. Szyld, 1326-1394
abstract | pdf

36. Central extensions of associative algebras and weakly action representable categories
George Janelidze, 1395-1408
abstract | pdf

37. Cohomologies, extensions and deformations of differential algebras of arbitrary weight
Li Guo, Yunnan Li, Yunhe Sheng, and Guodong Zhou, 1409-1433
abstract | pdf

38. Presentations and algebraic colimits of enriched monads for a subcategory of arities
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright and Jason Parker, 1434-1484
abstract | pdf

39. Moment categories and operads
Clemens Berger, 1485-1537
abstract | pdf

40. Modular operads as modules over the Brauer properad
Robin Stoll, 1538-1607
abstract | pdf

41. Indeterminacies and models of homotopy limits
Alisa Govzmann, Damjan Pistalo, and Norbert Poncin, 1608-1635
abstract | pdf

Volume 37 - 2021

1. Action representability of the category of internal groupoids
Marino Gran and James Richard Andrew Gray, 1-13
abstract | pdf

2. On the formal theory of pseudomonads and pseudodistributive laws
Nicola Gambino and Gabriele Lobbia, 14-56
abstract | pdf

3. Yetter-Drinfel'd algebras and coideals of Weak Hopf C*-Algebras
Leonid Vainerman and Jean-Michel Vallin, 57-94
abstract | pdf

4. Ladders and completion of triangulated categories
Yongliang Sun and Yaohua Zhang, 95-106
abstract | pdf

5. Dependent products and 1-inaccessible universes
Giulio Lo Monaco, 107-143
abstract | pdf

6. (Co)ends for representations of tensor categories
Noelia Bortolussi and Martín Mombelli, 144-188
abstract | pdf

7. The Moore Complex of a Simplicial Cocommutative Hopf Algebra
Kadir Emir, 189-226
abstract | pdf

8. The 2-nerve of a 2-group and Deligne's determinant functors
Elhoim Sumano, 227-265
abstract | pdf

9. Remarks on combinatorial and accessible model categories
Jiri Rosický, 266-275
abstract | pdf

10. Simplicial sets inside cubical sets
Thomas Streicher and Jonathan Weinberger, 276-286
abstract | pdf

11. Pivotal objects in monoidal categories and their Hopf monads
Aryan Ghobadi, 287-325
abstract | pdf

12. A remarkable aspect of internal groupoids in regular Mal'tsev categories
Dominique Bourn, 326-336
abstract | pdf

13. Every elementary higher topos has a natural number object
Nima Rasekh, 337-377
abstract | pdf

14. A new approach to S-protomodular categories
Tamar Janelidze-Gray, 378-387
abstract | pdf

15. A closed model structure on the category of weakly unital dg categories, II
Piergiorgio Panero and Boris Shoikhet, 388-417
abstract | pdf

16. A homotopy theory of coherently commutative monoidal quasi-categories
Amit Sharma, 418-481
abstract | pdf

17. Parsummable categories as a strictification of symmetric monoidal categories
Tobias Lenz, 482-529
abstract | pdf

18. Descent data and absolute Kan extensions
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, 530-561
abstract | pdf

19. Left properness of flows
Philippe Gaucher, 562-612
abstract | pdf

20. A Hurewicz model structure for directed topology
Sanjeevi Krishnan and Paige Randall North, 613-634
abstract | pdf

21. Tensor-restriction categories
Chris Heunen and Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, 635-670
abstract | pdf

22. Discrete Double Fibrations
Michael Lambert, 671-708
abstract | pdf

23. Coherent Nerves for Higher Quasicategories
Harry Gindi, 709-817
abstract | pdf

24. A categorical approach to quantum moment maps
Pavel Safronov, 818-862
abstract | pdf

25. A practical type theory for symmetric monoidal categories
Michael Shulman, 863-907
abstract | pdf

26. An Essential Local Geometric Morphism which is not Locally Connected though its Inverse Image Part is an Exponential Ideal
Richard Garner and Thomas Streicher, 908-913
abstract | pdf

27. Locally anisotropic toposes II
Jonathon Funk and Pieter Hofstra, 914-939
abstract | pdf

28. Cauchy completeness for DG-categories
Branko Nikolić, Ross Street and Giacomo Tendas, 940-963
abstract | pdf

29. Variation on a comprehensive theme
Ross Street, 964-978
abstract | pdf

30. Autocompact objects of Ab5 categories
Josef Dvořák and Jan Žemlička, 979-995
abstract | pdf

31. A note on Frobenius-Eilenberg-Moore objects in dagger 2-categories
Rowan Poklewski-Koziell, 996-1016
abstract | pdf

32. On Supercompactly and Compactly Generated Toposes
Morgan Rogers, 1017-1079
abstract | pdf

33. Cosheaves
Andrei V. Prasolov, 1080-1148
abstract | pdf

34. 2-dimensional bifunctor theorems and distributive laws
Peter F. Faul, Graham Manuell, José Siqueira, 1149-1175
abstract | pdf

35. On sifted colimits in the presence of pullbacks
Ruiyuan Chen, 1176-1193
abstract | pdf

36. On factorisation systems for Ord-enriched categories and categories of partial maps
Leonardo Larizza, 1194-1221
abstract | pdf

37. Compact closed categories and Γ-categories
Amit Sharma, 1222-1261
abstract | pdf

Volume 36 - The Rosebrugh Festschrift*

A special volume celebrating Bob Rosebrugh's 25 years as managing editor of TAC.

The guest editors, 1-8

1. Maschke type theorems for Hopf monoids
Gabriella Böhm, 9-47
abstract | pdf

2. Van Kampen's theorem for locally sectionable maps
Ronald Brown, George Janelidze, and George Peschke, 48-64
abstract | pdf

3. A note on the categorical notions of normal subobject and of equivalence class
Dominique Bourn and Giuseppe Metere, 65-101
abstract | pdf

4. Span composition using fake pullbacks
Ross Street, 102-117
abstract | pdf

5. Closed dendroidal sets and unital operads
Ieke Moerdijk, 118-170
abstract | pdf

6. Three Easy Pieces: Imaginary seminar talks in honour of Bob Rosebrugh
Robert Paré, 171-200
abstract | pdf

7. Spatial realization of a Lie algebra and the Bar construction
Yves Félix and Daniel Tanré, 201-205
abstract | pdf

8. The comprehensive factorization of Burroni's T-functors
Walter Tholen and Leila Yeganeh, 206-249
abstract | pdf

9. The canonical intensive quality of a cohesive topos
F. Marmolejo and M. Menni, 250-279
abstract | pdf

10. Minimal accessible categories
Jiří Rosický, 280-287
abstract | pdf

11. Algebraic exponentiation for Lie algebras
Xabier García-Martínez and James R. A. Gray, 288-305
abstract | pdf

12. Isbell conjugacy and the reflexive completion
Tom Avery and Tom Leinster, 306-347
abstract | pdf

13. Extensions and Glueing in Double Categories
Susan Niefield, 348-367
abstract | pdf

14. (T,V)-Cat is extensive
Maria Manuel Clementino, 368-378
abstract | pdf

15. On the ternary commutator, I: Exact Mal'tsev categories
Cyrille Sandry Simeu and Tim Van der Linden, 379-422
abstract | pdf

16. Latent Fibrations: Fibrations for Categories of Partial Maps
Robin Cockett, Geoff Cruttwell, Jonathan Gallagher, and Dorette Pronk, 423-491
abstract | pdf

17. Presentations of clusters and strict free-cocompletions
Erwan Beurier, Dominique Pastor and René Guitart, 492-513
abstract | pdf

18. Intrinsic Schreier special objects
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo, and Tim Van der Linden, 514-555
abstract | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Marino Gran, Michael Johnson, Walter Tholen, and R.J. Wood who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Volume 35 - 2020

1. The word problem for double categories
Antonin Delpeuch, 1-18
abstract | pdf

2. Braided skew monoidal categories
John Bourke and Stephen Lack, 19-63
abstract | pdf

3. Completely distributive enriched categories are not always continuous
Hongliang Lai and Dexue Zhang, 64-88
abstract | pdf

4. The 2-Chu-Dialectica construction and the polycategory of multivariable adjunctions
Michael Shulman, 89-136
abstract | pdf

5. Small categories of homological dimension one
Karimah Sweet and Charles Ching-An Cheng, 137-154
abstract | pdf

6. Spec(Z) and the Gromov Norm
Alain Connes and Caterina Consani, 155-178
abstract | pdf

7. Morita invariance of equivariant Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and invariant topological complexity
A. Angel, H. Colman, M. Grant and J. Oprea, 179-195
abstract | pdf

8. L'-localization in an ∞-topos
Marco Vergura, 196-227
abstract | pdf

9. Rank-based persistence
Mattia G. Bergomi and Pietro Vertechi, 228-260
abstract | pdf

10. Augmented virtual double categories
Seerp Roald Koudenburg, 261-325
abstract | pdf

11. A new Galois structure in the category of internal preorders
Alberto Facchini, Carmelo Finocchiaro and Marino Gran, 326-349
abstract | pdf

12. Exact sequences in the enchilada category
M. Eryüzlü, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 350-370
abstract | pdf

13. Homotopy theory with marked additive categories
Ulrich Bunke, Alexander Engel, Daniel Kasprowski, and Christoph Winges, 371-416
abstract | pdf

14. Symmetric monoidal categories and Γ-categories
Amit Sharma, 417-512
abstract | pdf

15. Orbifolds of Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFTs
Nils Carqueville, Ingo Runkel, Gregor Schaumann, 513-561
abstract | pdf

16. Fibrations of AU-contexts beget fibrations of toposes
Sina Hazratpour and Steven Vickers, 562-593
abstract | pdf

17. Shifted double Lie-Rinehart algebras
Johan Leray, 594-621
abstract | pdf

18. Cubical model categories and quasi-categories
Brice Le Grignou, 622-664
abstract | pdf

19. Multiple vector bundles: cores, splittings and decompositions
Malte Heuer and Madeleine Jotz Lean, 665-699
abstract | pdf

20. Network Models
John C. Baez, John Foley, Joe Moeller, and Blake S. Pollard, 700-744
abstract | pdf

21. The folk model category structure on strict ω-categories is monoidal
Dimitri Ara and Maxime Lucas, 745-808
abstract | pdf

22. Cocompletion of restriction categories
Richard Garner and Daniel Lin, 809-844
abstract | pdf

23. A localization of bicategories via homotopies
Descotte M.E., Dubuc E.J., and Szyld M., 845-874
abstract | pdf

24. Weak model categories in classical and constructive mathematics
Simon Henry, 875-958
abstract | pdf

25. Lax limits of model categories
Yonatan Harpaz, 959-978
abstract | pdf

26. A recipe for black box functors
Brendan Fong and Maru Sarazola, 979-1011
abstract | pdf

27. Classification of Constructible Cosheaves
Justin Curry and Amit Patel, 1012-1047
abstract | pdf

28. Higher Segal spaces via higher excision
Tashi Walde, 1048-1086
abstract | pdf

29. Cohesive toposes of sheaves on monoids of continuous endofunctions of the unit interval
Luis Jesús Turcio, 1087-1100
abstract | pdf

30. On the construction of limits and colimits in ∞-categories
Emily Riehl and Dominic Verity, 1101-1158
abstract | pdf

31. Monoidal Grothendieck Construction
Joe Moeller and Christina Vasilakopoulou, 1159-1207
abstract | pdf

32. Exponentiability in Double Categories and the Glueing Construction
Susan Niefield, 1208-1226
abstract | pdf

33. Segal enriched categories and applications
Hugo V. Bacard, 1227-1267
abstract | pdf

34. An intrinsic approach to the non-abelian tensor product via internal crossed squares
Davide di Micco and Tim Van der Linden, 1268-1311
abstract | pdf

35. Homotopies in Grothendieck fibrations
Joseph Helfer, 1312-1378
abstract | pdf

36. Lax orthogonal factorisations in ordered structures
Maria Manuel Clementino and Ignacio López Franco, 1379-1423
abstract | pdf

37. Lax Familial Representability and Lax Generic Factorizations
Charles Walker, 1424-1475
abstract | pdf

38. Information structures and their cohomology
Juan Pablo Vigneaux, 1476-1529
abstract | pdf

39. Weighted normal commutator as the Huq commutator in points
Vaino Tuhafeni Shaumbwa, 1530-1545
abstract | pdf

40. The law of excluded middle in the simplicial model of type theory
Chris Kapulkin and Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, 1546-1548
abstract | pdf

41. Transfer of a generalised groupoid action along a Morita equivalence
Giorgi Arabidze, 1549-1563
abstract | pdf

42. PROPs for involutive monoids and involutive bimonoids
Daniel Graves, 1564-1575
abstract | pdf

43. The Existential Completion
Davide Trotta, 1576-1607
abstract | pdf

44. Internal split opfibrations and cofunctors
Bryce Clarke, 1608-1633
abstract | pdf

45. Formal composition of hybrid systems
Jared Culbertson, Paul Gustafson, Daniel E. Koditschek, and Peter F. Stiller, 1634-1682
abstract | pdf

46. On bicolimits of C*-categories
Jamie Antoun and Christian Voigt, 1683-1725
abstract | pdf

47. Filtered cocategories
Volodymyr Lyubashenko, 1726-1770
abstract | pdf

48. Structured cospans
John C. Baez and Kenny Courser, 1771-1822
abstract | pdf

49. Metric Spaces of Extreme Points
Ernie Manes, 1823-1832
abstract | pdf

50. A Categorical Reduction System for Linear Logic
Ryu Hasegawa, 1833-1870
abstract | pdf

51. A characterisation of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces
Vincenzo Marra and Luca Reggio, 1871-1906
abstract | pdf

52. Internal partial combinatory algebras and their slices
Jetze Zoethout, 1907-1952
abstract | pdf

Volume 34 - 2019

Table of contents also available in .pdf format.

1. Lifting PIE limits with strict projections
Martin Szyld, 1-12
abstract | pdf

2. Involutive categories, colored *-operads and quantum field theory
Marco Benini, Alexander Schenkel and Lukas Woike, 13-57
abstract | pdf

3. On the relative projective space
Matias Data and Juliana Osorio, 58-79
abstract | pdf

4. Lifting bicategories into double categories: The globularily generated condition
Juan Orendain, 80-108
abstract | pdf

5. Distributors and the comprehensive factorization system for internal groupoids
Giuseppe Metere, 109-120
abstract | pdf

6. Six operations formalism for generalized operads
Benjamin C. Ward, 121-169
abstract | pdf

7. A probability monad as the colimit of spaces of finite samples
Tobias Fritz and Paolo Perrone, 170-220
abstract | pdf

8. Cluster-tilting subcategories in extriangulated categories
Panyue Zhou and Bin Zhu, 221-242
abstract | pdf

9. Topoi of parametrized objects
Marc Hoyois, 243-248
abstract | pdf

10. Majority categories
Michael Anton Hoefnagel, 249-268
abstract | pdf

11. Categorification of pre-Lie Algebras and solutions of 2-graded classical Yang-Baxter equations
Yunhe Sheng, 269-294
abstract | pdf

12. The formal theory of multimonoidal monads
Gabriella Bohm, 295-348
abstract | pdf

13. The operadic nerve, relative nerve and the Grothendieck construction
Jonathan Beardsley and Liang Ze Wong, 349-374
abstract | pdf

14. Well-closed subschemes of noncommutative schemes
D. Rogalski, 375-404
abstract | pdf

15. Affine geometric spaces in tangent categories
R. F. Blute, G. S. H. Cruttwell, and R. B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 405-437
abstract | pdf

16. A note on the categorical congruence distributivity
Dominique Bourn, 438-455
abstract | pdf

17. Colimits of monoids
Hans-E. Porst, 456-467
abstract | pdf

18. Limits in dagger categories
Chris Heunen and Martti Karvonen, 468-513
abstract | pdf

19. Fibred pseudo double categories for game semantics
Clovis Eberhart, Tom Hirschowitz, 514-572
abstract | pdf

20. Quotient categories and phases
Sean Tull, 573-603
abstract | pdf

21. Left-invariant vector fields on a Lie 2-group
Eugene Lerman, 604-634
abstract | pdf

22. Strictification tensor product of 2-categories
Branko Nikolic, 635-661
abstract | pdf

23. Coequalizers and free triples, II
Michael Barr, John Kennison, and R. Raphael, 662-683
abstract | pdf

24. A universal characterisation of codescent objects
Alexander S. Corner, 684-713
abstract | pdf

25. Monic skeleta, Boundaries, Aufhebung, and the meaning of `one-dimensionality'
M. Menni, 714-735
abstract | pdf

26. The genuine operadic nerve
Peter Bonventre, 736-780
abstract | pdf

27. Homotopy theory with *-categories
Ulrich Bunke, 781-853
abstract | pdf

28. On spans with right fibred right adjoints
J. R. A. Gray, 854-882
abstract | pdf

29. Weak units, universal cells, and coherence via universality for bicategories
Amar Hadzihasanovic, 883-960
abstract | pdf

30. Biproducts and commutators for noetherian forms
Francois Koch Van Niekerk, 961-992
abstract | pdf

31. Adjunction up to automorphism
D. Tambara, 993-1035
abstract | pdf

32. Characterization of left coextensive varieties of universal algebras
David Neal Broodryk, 1036-1038
abstract | pdf

33. The tangent bundle of a model category
Yonatan Harpaz, Joost Nuiten, Matan Prasma, 1039-1072
abstract | pdf

34. Weak $\infty$-categories via terminal coalgebras
Eugenia Cheng and Tom Leinster, 1073-1133
abstract | pdf

35. On Finitary Functors
Jiri Adamek, Stefan Milius, Lurdes Sousa and Thorsten Wissmann, 1134-1164
abstract | pdf

36. A note on internal object action representability of 1-cat groups and crossed modules
Pako Ramasu, 1165-1178
abstract | pdf

37. Finitely Presentable Algebras For Finitary Monads
J. Adamek, S. Milius, L. Sousa and T. Wissmann, 1179-1195
abstract | pdf

38. The Zassenhaus lemma in star-regular categories
Olivette Ngaha Ngaha and Florence Sterck, 1196-1219
abstract | pdf

39. A model structure on prederivators for (∞,1)-categories
D. Fuentes-Keuthan, M. Kedziorek and M. Rovelli, 1220-1245
abstract | pdf

40. A unified framework for notions of algebraic theory
Soichiro Fujii, 1246-1316
abstract | pdf

41. Distributive laws between the Three Graces
Murray Bremner and Martin Markl, 1317-1342
abstract | pdf

42. Free globularly generated double categories I
Juan Orendain, 1343-1385
abstract | pdf

43. Products and coequalizers in pointed categories
Michael Hoefnagel, 1386-1400
abstract | pdf

44. The dual of compact ordered spaces is a variety
Marco Abbadini, 1401-1439
abstract | pdf

45. Models of Linear Logic based on the Schwartz $\varepsilon$-product
Yoann Dabrowski and Marie Kerjean, 1440-1525
abstract | pdf

46. Categories of weak fractions
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, 1526-1551
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 33 - 2018

Table of contents also available in .pdf format.

1. Spans of cospans in a topos
Daniel Cicala and Kenny Courser, 1-22
abstract | pdf

2. Actor of a crossed module of Leibniz algebras
José Manuel Casas, Rafael Fernández-Casado, Xabier García-Martínez, Emzar Khmaladze, 23-42
abstract | pdf

3. On fibrant objects in model categories
Valery Isaev, 43-66
abstract | pdf

4. Dualizing cartesian and cocartesian fibrations
Clark Barwick, Saul Glasman and Denis Nardin, 67-94
abstract | pdf

5. Contravariance through enrichment
Michael Shulman, 95-130
abstract | pdf

6. Spans of cospans
Daniel Cicala, 131-147
abstract | pdf

7. Regular patterns, substitudes, Feynman categories and operads
Michael Batanin, Joachim Kock, and Mark Weber, 148-192
abstract | pdf

8. A construction of certain weak colimits and an exactness property of the 2-category of categories
Descotte M.E., Dubuc E.J., Szyld M., 193-215
abstract | pdf

9. A Brauer-Clifford-Long group for the category of dyslectic Hopf Yetter-Drinfel'd (S,H)-module algebras
Thomas Guedenon and Allen Herman, 216-252
abstract | pdf

10. Nearly locally presentable categories
L. Positselski and J. Rosicky, 253-264
abstract | pdf

11. A characterization of final functors between internal groupoids in exact categories
Alan S. Cigoli, 265-275
abstract | pdf

12. Generating the algebraic theory of C(X): the case of partially ordered compact spaces
Dirk Hofmann, Renato Neves, and Pedro Nora, 276-295
abstract | pdf

13. On the normally ordered tensor product and duality for Tate objects
O. Braunling, M. Groechenig, A. Heleodoro, J. Wolfson, 296-349
abstract | pdf

14. Revisiting the canonicity of canonical triangulations
Moritz Groth, 350-389
abstract | pdf

15. Pseudo-Kan extensions and descent theory
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, 390-444
abstract | pdf

16. Lax pullback complements and pullbacks of spans
Seyed Naser Hosseini, Walter Tholen, and Leila Yeganeh, 445-475
abstract | pdf

17. Double power monad preserving adjunctions are Frobenius
Christopher Townsend, 476-491
abstract | pdf

18. Regularity vs. constructive complete (co)distributivity
Hongliang Lai and Lili Shen, 492-522
abstract | pdf

19. Stability for inner fibrations revisited
Danny Stevenson, 523-536
abstract | pdf

20. Higher isotropy
J. Funk, P. Hofstra, and S. Khan, 537-582
abstract | pdf

21. Theory of interleavings on categories with a flow
V. de Silva, E. Munch, A. Stefanou, 583-607
abstract | pdf

22. Decorated corelations
Brendan Fong, 608-643
abstract | pdf

23. A parallel section functor for 2-vector bundles
Christoph Schweigert and Lukas Woike, 644-690
abstract | pdf

24. Spheres as Frobenius objects
Djordje Baralic, Zoran Petric and Sonja Telebakovic, 691-726
abstract | pdf

25. Props in network theory
John C. Baez, Brandon Coya, Franciscus Rebro, 727-783
abstract | pdf

26. Spark complexes on good effective orbifold atlases categorically
Cheng-Yong Du, Lili Shen and Xiaojuan Zhao, 784-812
abstract | pdf

27. The Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad Theorem for inverse categories
Darien DeWolf and Dorette Pronk, 813-831
abstract | pdf

28. On the geometric notion of connection and its expression in tangent categories
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 832-866
abstract | pdf

29. Crossed products of crossed modules of Hopf monoids
J.N. Alonso Alvarez, J.M. Fernandez Vilaboa, and R. Gonzalez Rodriguez, 868-897
abstract | pdf

30. Coalgebroids in monoidal bicategories and their comodules
Ramon Abud Alcala, 898-963
abstract | pdf

31. Tube representations and twisting of graded categories
J. Bhowmick, S. Ghosh, N. Rakshit, and M. Yamashita, 964-987
abstract | pdf

32. On a higher structure on operadic deformation complexes
Boris Shoikhet, 988-1030
abstract | pdf

33. New exactness conditions involving split cubes in protomodular categories
J. R. A. Gray and N. Martins-Ferreira, 1030-1058
abstract | pdf

34. $T_0$ topological spaces and $T_0$ posets in the topos of M-sets
M.M. Ebrahimi, M. Mahmoudi, and A.H. Nejah, 1059-1071
abstract | pdf

35. A tangent category alternative to the Faa di Bruno construction
Jean-Simon P. Lemay, 1072-1110
abstract | pdf

36. Polynomials, fibrations and distributive laws
Tamara von Glehn, 1111-1144
abstract | pdf

37. Linear distributivity with negation, star-autonomy, and Hopf monads
Masahito Hasegawa and Jean-Simon P. Lemay, 1145-1157
abstract | pdf

38. A compositional framework for passive linear networks
John C. Baez and Brendan Fong, 1158-1222
abstract | pdf

39. Coarse-graining open Markov processes
John C. Baez and Kenny Courser, 1223-1268
abstract | pdf

40. Category theory for genetics I:mutations and sequence alignments
Remy Tuyeras, 1269-1317
abstract | pdf

41. The localic isotropy group of a topos
Simon Henry, 1318-1345
abstract | pdf

42. On finitely aligned left cancellative small categories, Zappa-Szep products and Exel-Pardo algebras
Erik Bedos, S. Kaliszewski, John Quigg, and Jack Spielberg, 1346-1406
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 32 - 2017

Table of contents also available in .pdf format.

1. A structure theorem for quasi-Hopf bimodule coalgebras
Daniel Bulacu, 1-30
abstract | pdf

2. Simplicial Nerve of an $A_\infty$-category
Giovanni Faonte, 31-52
abstract | pdf

3. C-systems defined by universe categories: presheaves
Vladimir Voevodsky, 53-112
abstract | pdf

4. The $(\Pi,\lambda)$-structures on the C-systems defined by universe categories
Vladimir Voevodsky, 113-121
abstract | pdf

5. Bourn-normal monomorphisms in regular Mal'tsev categories
Giuseppe Metere, 122-147
abstract | pdf

6. Homotopy theory for algebras over polynomial monads
M. A. Batanin and C. Berger, 148-253
abstract | pdf

7. A note on injective hulls of posemigroups
Changchun Xia, Shengwei Han, Bin Zhao, 254-257
abstract | pdf

8. Witt vectors and truncation posets
Vigleik Angeltveit, 258-285
abstract | pdf

9. Classifying tangent structures using Weil algebras
Poon Leung, 286-337
abstract | pdf

10. KZ-monadic categories and their logic
Jiri Adamek and Lurdes Sousa, 338-379
abstract | pdf

11. Corelations are the prop for extraspecial commutative Frobenius monoids
Brandon Coya and Brendan Fong, 380-395
abstract | pdf

12. Monoid-like definitions of cyclic operad
Jovana Obradovic, 396-436
abstract | pdf

13. Building a model category out of multiplier ideal sheaves
Seunghun Lee, 437-487
abstract | pdf

14. A categorical approach to Picard-Vessiot theory
Andreas Maurischat, 488-525
abstract | pdf

15. Epireflective subcategories and formal closure operators
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine, Marino Gran, and Zurab Janelidze, 526-546
abstract | pdf

16. Algebraic databases
Patrick Schultz, David I. Spivak, Christina Vasilakopoulou, and Ryan Wisnesky, 547-619
abstract | pdf

17. The two out of three property in ind-categories and a convenient model category of spaces
Ilan Barnea, 620-651
abstract | pdf

18. Frobenius algebras and homotopy fixed points of group actions on bicategories
Jan Hesse, Christoph Schweigert, and Alessandro Valentino, 652-681
abstract | pdf

19. A presentation of bases for parametrized iterativity
Jiri Adamek, Stefan Milius and Jiri Velebil, 682-718
abstract | pdf

20. Closure operators in abelian categories and spectral spaces
Abhishek Banerjee, 719-735
abstract | pdf

21. Lax distributive laws for topology, II
Hongliang Lai, Lili Shen and Walter Tholen, 736-768
abstract | pdf

22. A property of effectivization and its uses in categorical logic
Vasileios Aravantinos-Sotiropoulos and Panagis Karazeris, 769-779
abstract | pdf

23. Levi categories and graphs of groups
Mark V. Lawson and Alistair R. Wallis, 780-802
abstract | pdf

24. Metric spaces and SDG
Anders Kock, 803-822
abstract | pdf

25. A unifying approach to the acyclic models method and other lifting lemmas
Leonard Guetta, 823-834
abstract | pdf

26. Connections in tangent categories
J.R.B. Cockett and G.S.H. Cruttwell, 835-888
abstract | pdf

27. Biextensions, bimonoidal functors, multilinear functor calculus, and categorical rings
Ettore Aldrovandi, 889-969
abstract | pdf

28. A Urysohn type lemma for groupoids
Madalina Roxana Buneci, 970-994
abstract | pdf

29. A bicategory of decorated cospans
Kenny Courser, 995-1027
abstract | pdf

30. The canonical 2-gerbe of a holomorphic vector bundle
Markus Upmeier, 1028-1049
abstract | pdf

31. Classifiers for monad morphisms and adjunction morphisms
Dimitri Zaganidis, 1050-1097
abstract | pdf

32. Free objects over posemigroups in the category PoSgr_v
Shengwei Han, Changchun Xia, Xiaojuan Gu, 1098-1106
abstract | pdf

33. Combinatorics of past-similarity in higher dimensional transition systems
Philippe Gaucher, 1107-1164
abstract | pdf

34. A Dold-Kan theorem for simplicial Lie algebras
P. Carrasco and A.M. Cegarra, 1165-1212
abstract | pdf

35. Localization of enriched categories and cubical sets
Tyler Lawson, 1213-1221
abstract | pdf

36. Coexponentiability and Projectivity: Rigs, Rings, and Quantales
S.B. Niefield and R.J. Wood, 1222-1228
abstract | pdf

37. Hopf polyads, Hopf categories and Hopf group monoids viewed as Hopf monads
Gabriella Böhm, 1229-1257
abstract | pdf

38. Fibered multiderivators and (co)homological descent
Fritz Hörmann, 1258-1362
abstract | pdf

39. Kan's combinatorial spectra and their sheaves revisited
Ruian Chen, Igor Kriz and Ales Pultr, 1363-1396
abstract | pdf

40. Operads and phylogenetic trees
John C. Baez and Nina Otter, 1396-1453
abstract | pdf

41. Topological properties of non-Archimedean approach spaces
Eva Colebunders and Karen Van Opdenbosch, 1454-1484
abstract | pdf

42. Mal'tsev objects, $R_1$-spaces and ultrametric spaces
Thomas Weighill, 1485-1500
abstract | pdf

43. Action representability via spans and prefibrations
J. R. A. Gray, 1501-1521
abstract | pdf

44. Approximate categorical structures
Abdelkrim Aliouche and Carlos Simpson, 1522-1562
abstract | pdf

45. Stability properties characterising n-permutable categories
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin, Diana Rodelo, 1563-1587
abstract | pdf

46. A characterization of the Huq commutator
Vaino Tuhafeni Shaumbwa, 1588-1600
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 31 - 2016

Table of contents also available in pdf format.

1. The Euler characteristic of an enriched category
Kazunori Noguchi and Kohei Tanaka, 1-30
abstract | pdf

2. The heart of a combinatorial model category
Zhen Lin Low, 31-62
abstract | pdf

3. On the magnitude of a finite dimensional algebra
Joseph Chuang, Alastair King and Tom Leinster, 63-72
abstract | pdf

4. A two-dimensional Birkhoff's theorem
Matej Dostal, 73-100
abstract | pdf

5. Enriched algebraic theories and monads for a system of arities
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 101-137
abstract | pdf

6. Relative symmetric monoidal closed categories I: Autoenrichment and change of base
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 138-174
abstract | pdf

7. Transfinite limits in topos theory
Moritz Kerz, 175-200
abstract | pdf

8. A characterization of central extensions in the variety of quandles
Valérian Even, Marino Gran and Andrea Montoli, 201-216
abstract | pdf

9. On biadjoint triangles
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, 217-256
abstract | pdf

10. Some insights on bicategories of fractions: representations and compositions of 2-morphisms
Matteo Tommasini, 257-329
abstract | pdf

11. Stacks and sheaves of categories as fibrant objects, II
Alexandru E. Stanculescu, 330-364
abstract | pdf

12. Spectra of compact regular frames
Guram Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia, Mamuka Jibladze, 365-383
abstract | pdf

13. A cotriple construction of a simplicial algebra used in the definition of higher Chow groups
Jason Polak, 384-387
abstract | pdf

14. Construction of categorical bundles from local data
Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, 388-417
abstract | pdf

15. Partial linearity and partial natural Mal'tsevness
Dominique Bourn, 418-443
abstract | pdf

16. Relative internal actions
James Richard Andrew Gray and Tamar Janelidze-Gray, 444-461
abstract | pdf

17. Right delocalization of model categories
Bruce R Corrigan-Salter, 462-476
abstract | pdf

18. The morphism axiom for n-angulated categories
Emilie Arentz-Hansen, Petter Andreas Bergh and Marius Thaule, 477-483
abstract | pdf

19. The snail lemma
Enrico M. Vitale, 484-501
abstract | pdf

20. Linear structures on locales
Pedro Resende and Joao Paulo Santos, 502-541
abstract | pdf

21. Representation and character theory of finite categorical groups
Nora Ganter and Robert Usher, 542-570
abstract | pdf

22. Classical and relative realizability
Jaap van Oosten and Tingxiang Zou, 571-593
abstract | pdf

23. The linearity of traces in monoidal categories and bicategories
Kate Ponto and Michael Shulman, 594-689
abstract | pdf

24. The local Joyal model structure
Nicholas J. Meadows, 690-711
abstract | pdf

25. Homotopy locally presentable enriched categories
Stephen Lack and Jiri Rosicky, 712-754
abstract | pdf

26. Compact closed bicategories
Michael Stay, 755-798
abstract | pdf

27. Strict $\omega$-categories are monadic over polygraphs
Francois Metayer, 799-806
abstract | pdf

28. The Fermat functors
Enxin Wu, 807-832
abstract | pdf

29. Enriched Yoneda lemma
Vladimir Hinich, 833-838
abstract | pdf

30. Projectivity, continuity and adjointness: quantales, Q-posets and Q-modules
Susan Niefield, 839-851
abstract | pdf

31. Tannaka theory over sup-lattices and descent for topoi
Eduardo J. Dubuc and Martin Szyld, 852-906
abstract | pdf

32. On the representations of 2-groups in Baez-Crans 2-vector spaces
Benjamin A. Heredia and Josep Elgueta, 907-927
abstract | pdf

33. Compositories and gleaves
Cecilia Flori and Tobias Fritz, 928-988
abstract | pdf

34. On Evrard's homotopy fibrant replacement of a functor
Boris Shoikhet, 989-1015
abstract | pdf

35. Monads on dagger categories
Chris Heunen and Martti Karvonen, 1016-1043
abstract | pdf

36. Products of families of types and $(\Pi,\lambda)$-structures on C-systems
Vladimir Voevodsky, 1044-1094
abstract | pdf

37. A functorial approach to Dedekind completions and the representation of vector lattices and l-algebras by normal functions
G. Bezhanishvili, P. J. Morandi, B. Olberding, 1095-1133
abstract | pdf

38. Cosheafification
Andrei V. Prasolov, 1134-1175
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 30 - 2015

Table of contents also available in pdf format.

1. On strong homotopy for quasi-schemoids
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, 1-14
abstract | pdf

2. Model categories with simple homotopy categories
Jean-Marie Droz and Inna Zakharevich, 15-39
abstract | pdf

3. Weak braided monoidal categories and their homotopy colimits
Mirjam Solberg, 40-48
abstract | pdf

4. Un théorème A de Quillen pour les 2-foncteurs lax
Jonathan Chiche, 49-85
abstract | pdf

5. Algebraic Kan extensions in double categories
Seerp Roald Koudenburg, 86-146
abstract | pdf

6. Bicategorical homotopy pullbacks
A.M. Cegarra, B.A. Heredia, J.Remedios, 147-205
abstract | pdf

7. Characteristic subobjects in semi-abelian categories
Alan S. Cigoli and Andrea Montoli, 206-228
abstract | pdf

8. Limit closures of classes of commutative rings
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, R. Raphael, 229-304
abstract | pdf

9. Partial-sup lattices
Toby Kenney, 305-331
abstract | pdf

10. Lax formal theory of monads, monoidal approach to bicategorical structures and generalized operads
Dimitri Chikhladze, 332-386
abstract | pdf

11. A cocategorical obstruction to tensor products of Gray-categories
John Bourke and Nick Gurski, 387-409
abstract | pdf

12. Normalizers, centralizers and action accessibility
J. R. A. Gray, 410-432
abstract | pdf

13. Operadic definitions of weak $n$-category: coherence and comparisons
Thomas Cottrell, 433-488
abstract | pdf

14. Slicing sites and semireplete factorization systems
Thorsten Palm, 489-526
abstract | pdf

15. Notes on commutation of limits and colimits
Marie Bjerrum, Peter Johnstone, Tom Leinster, William F. Sawin, 527-532
abstract | pdf

16. Polynomials in categories with pullbacks
Mark Weber, 533-598
abstract | pdf

17. Extensive categories and the size of an orbit
Ernie Manes, 599-619
abstract | pdf

18. Cartesian differential storage categories
R. Blute, J.R.B. Cockett, and R.A.G. Seely, 620-686
abstract | pdf

19. The accessibility rank of weak equivalences
G. Raptis and J. Rosický, 687-703
abstract | pdf

20. A model structure on internal categories in simplicial sets
Geoffroy Horel, 704-750
abstract | pdf

21. Categories enriched over a quantaloid: Algebras
Qiang Pu and Dexue Zhang, 751-774
abstract | pdf

22. An algebraic definition of ($\infty$,n)-categories
Camell Kachour, 775-807
abstract | pdf

23. Reflexivity and dualizability in categorified linear algebra
Martin Brandenburg, Alexandru Chirvasitu, and Theo Johnson-Freyd, 808-835
abstract | pdf

24. Categories in control
John C. Baez and Jason Erbele, 836-881
abstract | pdf

25. Actions in modified categories of interest with application to crossed modules
Y. Boyaci, J. M. Casas, T. Datuashvili and E. O. Uslu, 882-908
abstract | pdf

26. Internal choice holds in the discrete part of any cohesive topos satisfying stable connected codiscreteness
F. W. Lawvere and M. Menni, 909-932
abstract | pdf

27. On the second cohomology categorical group and a Hochschild-Serre 2-exact sequence
A.R. Garzon and E.M. Vitale, 933-984
abstract | pdf

28. Skew-monoidal reflection and lifting theorems
Stephen Lack and Ross Street, 985-1000
abstract | pdf

29. Deligne groupoid revisited
Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest and Boris Tsygan, 1001-1016
abstract | pdf

30. Finite categories with pushouts
D. Tambara, 1017-1031
abstract | pdf

31. Reduced smooth stacks?
Giorgio Trentinaglia, 1032-1066
abstract | pdf

32. Cyclic homology arising from adjunctions
Niels Kowalzig, Ulrich Krähmer, and Paul Slevin, 1067-1095
abstract | pdf

33. Decorated cospans
Brendan Fong, 1096-1120
abstract | pdf

34. A note on transport of algebraic structures
Henrik Holm, 1121-1131
abstract | pdf

35. Generalized covering space theories
Jeremy Brazas, 1132-1162
abstract | pdf

36. Building a Model Category out of cofibrations and fibrations
Seunghun Lee, 1163-1180
abstract | pdf

37. A C-system defined by a universe category
Vladimir Voevodsky, 1181-1214
abstract | pdf

38. Intercategories
Marco Grandis and Robert Paré, 1215-1255
abstract | pdf

39. Stacks of Ann-Categories and their morphisms
Ettore Aldrovandi, 1256-1286
abstract | pdf

40. Segal group actions
Matan Prasma, 1287-1305
abstract | pdf

41. On reflective subcategories of locally presentable categories
J. Adamek and J. Rosicky, 1306-1318
abstract | pdf

42. Gauge invariant surface holonomy and monopoles
Arthur J. Parzygnat, 1319-1428
abstract | pdf

43. Transformation double categories associated to 2-group actions
Jeffrey C. Morton and Roger Picken, 1429-1468
abstract | pdf

44. Proximity biframes and compactifications of completely regular ordered spaces
Guram Bezhanishvili and Patrick J. Morandi, 1469-1500
abstract | pdf

45. $A_\infty$-morphisms with several entries
Volodymyr Lyubashenko, 1501-1551
abstract | pdf

46. Homotopy unital $A_\infty$-morphisms with several entries
Volodymyr Lyubashenko, 1552-1623
abstract | pdf

47. The waves of a total category
R.J. Wood, 1624-1646
abstract | pdf

48. Limits of abstract elementary classes
M. Lieberman, J. Rosicky, 1647-1658
abstract | pdf

49. Operads as polynomial 2-monads
Mark Weber, 1659-1712
abstract | pdf

50. Internal algebra classifiers as codescent objects of crossed internal categories
Mark Weber, 1713-1792
abstract | pdf

51. Algebras of open dynamical systems on the operad of wiring diagrams
Dmitry Vagner, David I. Spivak, and Eugene Lerman, 1793-1822
abstract | pdf

52. Mutation pairs and triangulated quotients
Zengqiang Lin and Minxiong Wang, 1823-1840
abstract | pdf

53. Profinite topological spaces
G. Bezhanishvili, D. Gabelaia, M. Jibladze, P. J. Morandi, 1841-1863
abstract | pdf

54. Algebraically coherent categories
Alan S. Cigoli, James R. A. Gray and Tim Van der Linden, 1864-1905
abstract | pdf

55. Groupoids in categories with pretopology
Ralf Meyer and Chenchang Zhu, 1906-1998
abstract | pdf

56. On the 3-representations of groups and the 2-categorical traces
Wei Wang, 1999-2047
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 29 - 2014

Table of contents also available in pdf format.

1. Some stability properties of epimorphism classes
Dali Zangurashvili, 1-16
abstract | pdf

2. Erratum to `Towards a homotopy theory of higher dimensional transition systems'
Philippe Gaucher, 17-20
abstract | pdf

3. On the image of the almost strict Morse n-category under almost strict n-functors
Sonja Hohloch, 21-47
abstract | pdf

4. Obvious natural morphisms of sheaves are unique
Ryan Cohen Reich, 48-99
abstract | pdf

5. Mapping Spaces of Gray-Categories
Björn Gohla, 100-187
abstract | pdf

6. Analytic spectrum of rig categories
Frederic Paugam, 188-197
abstract | pdf

7. A Galois theory for monoids
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, 198-214
abstract | pdf

8. Twisted actions of categorical groups
Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri, and Ambar N. Sengupta, 215-255
abstract | pdf

9. The theory and practice of Reedy categories
Emily Riehl and Dominic Verity, 256-301
abstract | pdf

10. Finite products in partial morphism categories
S.N. Hosseini, A.R. Shir Ali Nasab, 302-314
abstract | pdf

11. Duality in non-abelian algebra I. From cover relations to Grandis ex2-categories
Zurab Janelidze and Thomas Weighill, 315-331
abstract | pdf

12. On the infinity category of homotopy Leibniz algebras
David Khudaverdyan, Norbert Poncin, Jian Qiu, 332-370
abstract | pdf

13. Projective lines as groupoids with projection structure
Anders Kock, 371-388
abstract | pdf

14. Toward categorical risk measure theory
Takanori Adachi, 389-405
abstract | pdf

15. Topological functors as total categories
Richard Garner, 406-421
abstract | pdf

16. A Bayesian characterization of relative entropy
John C. Baez and Tobias Fritz, 422-456
abstract | pdf

17. Extending obstructions to noncommutative functorial spectra
Benno van den Berg and Chris Heunen, 457-474
abstract | pdf

18. Enriched factorization systems
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 475-495
abstract | pdf

19. Sequential multicategories
Claudio Pisani, 496-541
abstract | pdf

20. Continuous cohesion over sets
Matias Menni, 542-568
abstract | pdf

21. On deformations of pasting diagrams, II
Tej Shrestha and D. N. Yetter, 569-608
abstract | pdf

22. Realizable homotopy colimits
Beatriz Rodriguez Gonzalez, 609-634
abstract | pdf

23. Constructing model categories with prescribed fibrant objects
Alexandru E. Stanculescu, 635-653
abstract | pdf

24. Stacks and sheaves of categories as fibrant objects, I
Alexandru E. Stanculescu, 654-695
abstract | pdf

25. The weakly globular double category of fractions of a category
Simona Paoli, Dorette Pronk, 696-774
abstract | pdf

26. Diagrammatic characterisation of enriched absolute colimits
Richard Garner, 775-780
abstract | pdf

27. On pointwise Kan extensions in double categories
Seerp Roald Koudenburg, 781-818
abstract | pdf

28. A Serre-Swan theorem for gerbe modules on étale Lie groupoids
Christoph Schweigert, Christopher Tropp and Alessandro Valentino, 819-835
abstract | pdf

29. Bicategorical fibration structures and stacks
Dorette A. Pronk and Michael A. Warren, 836-873
abstract | pdf

30. More on geometric morphisms between realizability toposes
Eric Faber and Jaap van Oosten, 874-895
abstract | pdf

31. Completion, closure, and density relative to a monad, with examples in functional analysis and sheaf theory
Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright, 896-928
abstract | pdf

32. Iterated icons
Eugenia Cheng and Nick Gurski, 929-977
abstract | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 28 - 2013

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. The monoidal structure of strictification
Nick Gurski, 1-23
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Free products of higher operad algebras
Mark Weber, 24-65
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Duality for distributive spaces
Dirk Hofmann, 66-122
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Semiunital semimonoidal categories (Applications to semirings and semicorings)
Jawad Abuhlail, 123-149
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. On the monad of internal groupoids
Dominique Bourn, 150-165
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Tannaka duality and convolution for duoidal categories
Thomas Booker and Ross Street, 166-205
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Traced *-autonomous categories are compact closed
Tamás Hajgató and Masahito Hasegawa, 206-212
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Tightly bounded completions
Marta Bunge, 213-240
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Geometric morphisms of realizability toposes
Peter Johnstone, 241-249
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Diagonal model structures
J.F. Jardine, 250-268
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Homotopy theories of diagrams
J.F. Jardine, 269-303
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. n-tuple groupoids and optimally coupled factorizations
Dany Majard, 304-331
abstract | pdf

13. Codensity and the ultrafilter monad
Tom Leinster, 332-370
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. No-iteration pseudomonads
F. Marmolejo and R.J. Wood, 371-402
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Tensors, monads and actions
Gavin J. Seal, 403-434
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Bounded Archimedean l-algebras and Gelfand-Neumark-Stone duality
Guram Bezhanishvili, Patrick J. Morandi, Bruce Olberding, 435-475
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Connections on non-Abelian gerbes and their holonomy
Urs Schreiber and Konrad Waldorf, 476-540
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Subgroupoids and quotient theories
Henrik Forssell, 541-551
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Sur les types d'homotopie modélisés par les $\infty$-groupoides stricts
Dimitri Ara, 552-576
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. Categories enriched over a quantaloid: Isbell adjunctions and Kan adjunctions
Lili Shen and Dexue Zhang, 577-615
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Enriched indexed categories
Michael Shulman, 616-695
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. Tight spans, Isbell completions and semi-tropical modules
Simon Willerton, 696-732
abstract | pdf

23. The algebra of the nerves of omega-categories
Richard Steiner, 733-779
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

24. Complicial structures in the nerves of omega-categories
Richard Steiner, 780-803
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

25. Multitensor lifting and strictly unital higher category theory
Michael Batanin, Denis-Charles Cisinski and Mark Weber, 804-856
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

26. Multitensors as monads on categories of enriched graphs
Mark Weber, 857-932
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

27. A double categorical model of weak 2-categories
Simona Paoli and Dorette Pronk, 933-980
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

28. Forms and exterior differentiation in Cartesian differential categories
G.S.H. Cruttwell, 981-1001
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

29. Relative Mal'tsev categories
Tomas Everaert, Julia Goedecke, Tamar Janelidze-Gray and Tim Van der Linden, 1002-1021
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

30. On theories of superalgebras of differentiable functions
David Carchedi and Dmitry Roytenberg, 1022-1098
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

31. Tannaka--Krein duality for compact quantum homogeneous spaces. I. General theory
Kenny De Commer and Makoto Yamashita, 1099-1138
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

32. The Gleason cover of a realizability topos
Peter Johnstone, 1139-1152
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

33. Galois theories of commutative semigroups via semilattices
Isabel A. Xarez and Joao J. Xarez, 1153-1169
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 27 - CT2011*

A special volume of articles from the CT2011 Conference

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

The guest editors, 1
dvi | ps | pdf

1. Remarks on exactness notions pertaining to pushouts
Richard Garner, 2-9
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Exponentiability via double categories
Susan Niefield, 10-26
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. On the axioms for adhesive and quasiadhesive categories
Richard Garner and Stephen Lack, 27-46
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. The core of adjoint functors
Ross Street, 47-64
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Weakly Mal'tsev categories and strong relations
Zurab Janelidze and Nelson Martins-Ferreira, 65-79
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Symmetry of regular diamonds, the Goursat property, and subtractivity
Marino Gran, Zurab Janelidze, Diana Rodelo and Aldo Ursini, 80-96
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Exact completions and small sheaves
Michael Shulman, 97-173
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. The Ursini commutator as normalized Smith-Pedicchio commutator
Sandra Mantovani, 174-188
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Higher central extensions via commutators
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, 189-209
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Descent in monoidal categories
Bachuki Mesablishvili, 210-221
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. The *-autonomous category of uniform sup semi-lattices
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 222-241
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Lawvere completeness as a topological property
Serdar Sozubek, 242-262
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Generalized Hopf modules for bimonads
Marcelo Aguiar and Stephen U. Chase, 263-326
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Proper maps for lax algebras and the Kuratowski-Mrówka theorem
Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, 327-346
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. On actions and strict actions in homological categories
Manfred Hartl and Bruno Loiseau, 347-392
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Composition of modules for lax functors
Robert Paré, 393-444
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Elementary quotient completion
Maria Emilia Maietti and Giuseppe Rosolini, 445-463
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. An equational metalogic for monadic equational systems
Marcelo Fiore, 464-492
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Marino Gran, George Janelidze, Stephen Lack, John MacDonald and Walter Tholen who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Return to top.

Volume 26 - 2012

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Kan extensions and lax idempotent pseudomonads
F. Marmolejo and R.J. Wood, 1-29
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. On the iteration of weak wreath products
Gabriella Böhm, 30-59
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. On diagram-chasing in double complexes
George M. Bergman, 60-96
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Commutative monads as a theory of distributions
Anders Kock, 97-131
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Closed categories vs. closed multicategories
Oleksandr Manzyuk, 132-175
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Syntactic characterizations of properties of classifying toposes
Olivia Caramello, 176-193
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Note on star-autonomous comonads
Craig Pastro, 194-203
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. A characterization of representable intervals
Michael A. Warren, 204-232
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Graphical Methods for Tannaka duality of weak bialgebras and weak Hopf algebras
Micah Blake McCurdy, 232-280
abstract | pdf

10. Notes on Bimonads and Hopf Monads
Bachuki Mesablishvili and Robert Wisbauer, 281-303
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. The coalgebraic structure of cell complexes
Thomas Athorne, 304-330
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Congruences of Morita equivalent small categories
Valdis Laan, 331-337
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Injective hulls of partially ordered monoids
J. Lambek, Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, R. Raphael, 338-348
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Biequivalences in tricategories
Nick Gurski, 349-384
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Skew monoidales, skew warpings and quantum categories
Stephen Lack and Ross Street, 385-402
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. A presheaf interpretation of the generalized Freyd conjecture
Anna Marie Bohmann and J. P. May, 403-411
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Range categories I: General theory
J.R.B. Cockett, Xiuzhan Guo and Pieter Hofstra, 412-452
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Range categories II: Towards regularity
J.R.B. Cockett, Xiuzhan Guo and Pieter Hofstra, 453-500
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Opetopes and chain complexes
Richard Steiner, 501-519
abstract | pdf

20. Modeling stable one-types
Niles Johnson, Angélica M. Osorno, 520-537
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Yoneda representations of flat functors and classifying toposes
Olivia Caramello, 538-553
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. Bimonadicity and the explicit basis property
Matias Menni, 554-581
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

23. Duality and traces for indexed monoidal categories
Kate Ponto and Michael Shulman, 582-659
abstract | pdf

24. Isotropy and crossed toposes
Jonathon Funk, Pieter Hofstra and Benjamin Steinberg, 660-709
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

25. Site characterizations for geometric invariants of toposes
Olivia Caramello, 710-728
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

26. Span, cospan, and other double categories
Susan Niefield, 729-742
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

27. Tangled circuits
R. Rosebrugh, N. Sabadini and R. F. C. Walters, 743-767
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

28. Décalage and Kan's simplicial loop group functor
Danny Stevenson, 768-787
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

29. Internal categories, anafunctors and localisations
David Michael Roberts, 788-829
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 25 - 2011

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. A category of quantum categories
Dimitri Chikhladze, 1-37
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. A remark about the Connes fusion tensor product
Andreas Thom, 38-50
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Remarks on punctual local connectedness
Peter Johnstone, 51-63
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Comparative smootheology
Andrew Stacey, 64-117
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Monoidal functor categories and graphic Fourier transforms
Brian J. Day, 118-141
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Reflective-coreflective equivalence
Erik Bédos, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 142-179
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. An embedding theorem for adhesive categories
Stephen Lack, 180-188
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Model-categories of coalgebras over operads
Justin R. Smith, 189-246
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. A small observation on co-categories
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, 247-250
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Higher categorified algebras versus bounded homotopy algebras
David Khudaverdyan, Ashis Mandal, and Norbert Poncin, 250-275
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Symmetry and Cauchy completion of quantaloid-enriched categories
Hans Heymans and Isar Stubbe, 276-294
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Towards a homotopy theory of higher dimensional transition systems
Philippe Gaucher, 294-341
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Covariant presheaves and subalgebras
Ulrich Höhle, 342-367
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. On involutive monoidal categories
J.M. Egger, 368-393
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. The Faà di Bruno construction
J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, 394-425
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Semidirect products and crossed modules in varieties of right $\Omega$-loops
Edward B. Inyangala, 426-435
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Yoneda theory for double categories
Robert Paré, 436-489
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Flows: cocyclic and almost cocyclic
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 490-507
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Countable meets in coherent spaces with applications to the cyclic spectrum
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 508-532
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. On reflective-coreflective equivalence and associated pairs
Erik Bédos, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 533-536
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Differential restriction categories
J.R.B. Cockett, G.S.H. Cruttwell, and J. D. Gallagher, 537-613
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. Symbolic dynamics and the category of graphs
Terrence Bisson and Aristide Tsemo, 614-640
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 24 - 2010

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Bicategories of spans as cartesian bicategories
Stephen Lack, R.F.C. Walters, and R.J. Wood, 1-24
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. The Frobenius relations meet linear distributivity
J.M. Egger, 25-38
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Joyal's arithmetic universe as list-arithmetic pretopos
Maria Emilia Maietti, 39-83
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Monads as extension systems - no iteration is necessary
F. Marmolejo and R. J. Wood, 84-113
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. On a conjecture by J.H.Smith
George Raptis, 114-116
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Topos theoretic aspects of semigroup actions
Jonathon Funk and Pieter Hofstra, 117-147
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Transversal homotopy theory
Jonathan Woolf, 148-178
abstract | pdf

8. On modified Reedy and modified projective model structures
Mark W. Johnson, 179-208
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Finitely presentable morphisms in exact sequences
Michel Hébert, 209-220
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. The Hopf algebra of Möbius intervals
F. W. Lawvere and M. Menni, 221-265
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Tensor products of sup-lattices and generalized sup-arrows
T. Kenney and R.J. Wood, 266-287
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Lax presheaves and exponentiability
Susan Niefield, 288-301
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. The span construction
Robert Dawson, Robert Paré, Dorette Pronk, 302-377
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. On *-autonomous categories of topological modules
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 378-393
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. A logic for categories
Claudio Pisani, 394-417
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. On the duality between trees and disks
David Oury, 418-450
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Internal profunctors and commutator theory; applications to extensions classification and categorical Galois Theory
Dominique Bourn, 451-488
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Higher Dimensional Algebra VII: Groupoidification
John C. Baez, Alexander E. Hoffnung, and Christopher D. Walker, 489-553
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Hopf monoidal comonads
Dimitri Chikhladze, Stephen Lack, and Ross Street, 554-563
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. Strictification of categories weakly enriched in symmetric monoidal categories
Bertrand J. Guillou, 564-579
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. A unified framework for generalized multicategories
G.S.H. Cruttwell and Michael A. Shulman, 580-655
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 23 - The Bourn Festschrift*

A special volume dedicated to Dominique Bourn on the occasion of his 60'th birthday.

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

The guest editors, 1-6
dvi | ps | pdf

1. Action accessibility for categories of interest
Andrea Montoli, 7-21
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Homology of n-fold groupoids
Tomas Everaert and Marino Gran, 22-41
abstract dvi | ps | pdf

3. The comprehensive factorization and torsors
Ross Street and Dominic Verity, 42-75
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Snake Lemma in incomplete relative homological categories
Tamar Janelidze, 76-91
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Monadic approach to Galois descent and cohomology
Francis Borceux, Stefaan Caenepeel and George Janelidze, 92-112
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Internal crossed modules and Peiffer Condition
Sandra Mantovani, Giuseppe Metere, 113-135
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Strongly separable morphisms in general categories
G. Janelidze and W. Tholen, 136-149
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. The third cohomology group classifies double central extensions
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, 150-169
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Star-multiplicative graphs in pointed protomodular categories
N. Martins-Ferreira, 170-198
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. A metric tangential calculus
Elisabeth Burroni and Jacques Penon, 199-220
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. The pointed subobject functor, 3 x 3 lemmas, and subtractivity of spans
Zurab Janelidze, 221-242
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. A categorical approach to integration
Reinhard Börger, 243-250
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. What are sifted colimits?
J. Adamek, J. Rosicky, E. M. Vitale, 251-260
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Andree Ehresmann, George Janelidze, Jiri Rosicky, Walter Tholen and Enrico Vitale who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Return to top.

Volume 22 - 2009

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Duality for CCD lattices
Francisco Marmolejo, Robert Rosebrugh, and R.J. Wood, 1-23
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. On deformations of pasting diagrams
D. N. Yetter, 24-53
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Searching for more absolute CR-epic spaces
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 54-76
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. On endomorphism algebras of separable monoidal functors
Brian Day and Craig Pastro, 77-96
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Categories with slicing
Thorsten Palm, 97-135
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Tensor-triangulated categories and dualities
Baptiste Calmès and Jens Hornbostel, 136-198
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Lois distributives. Applications aux automates stochastiques
Elisabeth Burroni, 198-221
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Algebraic colimit calculations in homotopy theory using fibred and cofibred categories
Ronald Brown and Rafael Sivera, 222-251
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Covering space theory for directed topology
Eric Goubault, Emmanuel Haucourt, Sanjeevi Krishnan, 252-268
abstract | pdf

10. On the categorical semantics of elementary linear logic
Olivier Laurent, 269-301
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Enriched orthogonality and equivalences
M. Golasinski and L. Stramaccia, 302-312
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Weak distributive laws
Ross Street, 313-320
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. An embedding theorem for Hilbert categories
Chris Heunen, 321-344
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Eventually cyclic spectra of parameterized flows
John F. Kennison, 345-375
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. T-catégories représentables
Jacques Penon, 376-387
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Epimorphic covers make $R^+_G$ a site, for profinite $G$
Daniel G. Davis, 388-400
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Isbell duality for modules
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 401-419
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Higher-dimensional categories with finite derivation type
Yves Guiraud and Philippe Malbos, 420-478
abstract | pdf

19. A brief review of abelian categorifications
Mikhail Khovanov, Volodymyr Mazorchuk and Catharina Stroppel, 479-508
abstract | ps | pdf

20. Algebraic categories whose projectives are explicitly free
Matías Menni, 509-541
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Vector fields and flows on differentiable stacks
Richard Hepworth, 542-587
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. Homotopical interpretation of globular complex by multipointed d-space
Philippe Gaucher, 588-621
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

23. Cartesian differential categories
R.F. Blute, J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, 622-672
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

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Volume 21 - The Tholen Festschrift*

A special volume dedicated to Walter Tholen on the occasion of his 60'th birthday.

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

The guest editors, 1-6
dvi | ps | pdf

1. A convenient category for directed homotopy
L. Fajstrup and J. Rosicky, 7-20
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Limit preserving full embeddings
V. Trnkova and J. Sichler, 21-36
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Protolocalisations of exact Mal'cev categories
Francis Borceux, Marino Gran, Sandra Mantovani, 37-60
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Doubles for monoidal categories
Craig Pastro and Ross Street, 61-75
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Completions in biaffine sets
Elisabetta Felaco and Eraldo Giuli, 76-90
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Weakly Mal'cev categories
N. Martins-Ferreira, 91-117
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Extensions in the theory of lax algebras
Christoph Schubert and Gavin J. Seal, 118-151
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Approximate Mal'tsev operations
Dominique Bourn and Zurab Janelidze, 152-171
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Notes on effective descent and projectivity in quasivarieties of universal algebras
Ana Helena Roque, 172-181
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Descent for compact 0-dimensional spaces
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, 182-190
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Analytic functors and weak pullbacks
J. Adamek and J. Velebil, 191-209
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Relative injectivity as cocompleteness for a class of distributors
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, 210-230
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Maria Manuel Clementino, George Janelidze, Jiri Rosicky and Robert Rosebrugh who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

Return to top.

Volume 20 - 2008

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

Editorial Notice: Max Kelly, 5 June 1930 - 26 January 2007
Ross Street, 1-4

1. Locally cartesian closed categories without chosen constructions
Erik Palmgren, 5-17
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Generalized Brown representability in homotopy categories: Erratum
Jiri Rosicky, 18-24
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Frobenius objects in cartesian bicategories
R.F.C Walters and R.J. Wood, 25-47
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Abelian groupoids and non-pointed additive categories
Dominique Bourn, 48-73
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Coherence for pseudodistributive laws revisited
F. Marmolejo and R. J. Wood, 74-84
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Balanced category theory
Claudio Pisani, 85-115
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Category-theoretic models of linear Abadi and Plotkin logic
Lars Birkedal and Rasmus E. Mogelberg and Rasmus L. Petersen, 116-151
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Kan extensions in double categories (On weak double categories, Part III)
Marco Grandis and Robert Paré, 152-185
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Fundamental pushout toposes
Marta Bunge, 186-214
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Algebraic real analysis
Peter Freyd, 215-306
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Star-autonomous functor categories
Jeff Egger, 307-333
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Colimits of representable algebra-valued functors
George M. Bergman, 334-404
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Quotients of unital $A_\infty$-categories
Volodymyr Lyubashenko and Oleksandr Manzyuk, 405-496
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Core varieties, extensivity, and rig geometry
F. William Lawvere, 497-503
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Isbell duality
Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 504-542
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Cohomology theory in 2-categories
Hiroyuki Nakaoka, 542-604
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Propriétés universelles et extensions de Kan dérivées
Denis-Charles Cisinski, 605-649
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Framed bicategories and monoidal fibrations
Michael Shulman, 650-738
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

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Volume 19 - CT2006

A special volume of articles from the CT2006 Conference

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

Proceedings of the International Category Theory Conference, CT 2006
The organizers, 1-3

1. Exponentiability in homotopy slices of Top and pseudo-slices of Cat
Susan Niefield, 4-18
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Components, complements and the reflection formula
Claudio Pisani, 19-40
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Axiomatic cohesion
F. William Lawvere, 41-49
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Q-modules are Q-suplattices
Isar Stubbe, 50-60
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Iterative algebras: How iterative are they?
J. Adamek, R. Borger, S. Milius, and J. Velebil, 61-92
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Cartesian bicategories II
A. Carboni, G.M. Kelly, R.F.C. Walters, and R.J. Wood, 93-124
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Volume 18 - 2007

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Bicat is not triequivalent to Gray
Stephen Lack, 1-3
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Polarized category theory, modules, and game semantics
J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, 4-101
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Functional analysis on normed spaces: the Banach space comparison
M. Sioen and S. Verwulgen, 102-117
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. On Yetter's invariant and an extension of the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant to categorical groups
Joao Faria Martins and Timothy Porter, 118-150
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Pullback and finite coproduct preserving functors between categories of permutation representations: Corrigendum and addendum
Elango Panchadcharam and Ross Street, 151-156
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. CCD lattices in presheaf categories
G. S. H. Cruttwell, F. Marmolejo and R.J. Wood, 157-171
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Monad compositions I: general constructions and recursive distributive laws
Ernie Manes and Philip Mulry, 172-208
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Quasi locally connected toposes
Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk, 209-239
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. More morphisms between bundle gerbes
Konrad Waldorf, 240-273
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Towards an n-category of cobordisms
Eugenia Cheng and Nick Gurski, 274-302
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. The theory of core algebras: its completeness
Peter Freyd, 303-320
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Higher cospans and weak cubical categories (Cospans in algebraic topology, I)
Marco Grandis, 321-347
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Coherent unit actions on regular operads and Hopf algebras
Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard and Li Guo, 348-371
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Dense morphisms of monads
Panagis Karazeris and Jiri Velebil, 372-399
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Enriched model categories and an application to additive endomorphism spectra
Daniel Dugger and Brooke Shipley, 400-439
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Nuclei of categories with tensor products
Alexei Davydov, 440-472
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Exploring the gap between linear and classical logic
Francois Lamarche, 473-535
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. On the axiomatisation of Boolean categories with and without medial
Lutz Strassburger, 536-601
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Collared cospans, cohomotopy and TQFT (cospans in algebraic topology, II)
Marco Grandis, 602-630
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. A universal property of the monoidal 2-category of cospans of ordinals and surjections
M. Menni, N. Sabadini and R. F. C. Walters, 631-653
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Quotients of tannakian categories
J.S. Milne, 654-664
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. Familial 2-functors and parametric right adjoints
Mark Weber, 665-732
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 17 - Chu spaces: theory and applications*

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

The guest editors, 1-9
dvi | ps | pdf

1. The Chu construction: history of an idea
Michael Barr, 10-16
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Coherence of the double involution on *-autonomous categories
J.R.B. Cockett, M. Hasegawa and R.A.G. Seely, 17-29
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. A Parigot-style linear $\lambda$-calculus for full intuitionistic linear
Valeria de Paiva and Eike Ritter, 30-48
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. The Dialectica interpretation of first-order classical affine logic
Masaru Shirahata,49-79
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Approximable concepts, Chu spaces, and information systems
Guo-Qiang Zhang and Gongqin Shen, 79-102
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. An extended view of the Chu-construction
Jurgen Koslowski, 103-126
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Dialectica and Chu constructions: cousins?
Valeria de Paiva, 127-152
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Valeria de Paiva and Vaughan Pratt who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

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Volume 16 - 2006

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Monads of effective descent type and comonadicity
Bachuki Mesablishvili, 1-45
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Action groupoid in protomodular categories
Dominique Bourn, 46-58
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Inverting weak dihomotopy equivalence using homotopy continuous flow
Philippe Gaucher, 59-83
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Frobenius algebras and ambidextrous adjunctions
Aaron D. Lauda, 84-122
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Every Grothendieck topos has a one-way site
Colin McLarty, 123-126
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Points of affine categories and additivity
A. Carboni and G. Janelidze, 127-131
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Preserving homology
Michael Barr, 132-143
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Thin fillers in the cubical nerves of omega-categories
Richard Steiner, 144-173
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Free A_\infty-categories
Volodymyr Lyubashenko and Oleksandr Manzyuk, 174-205
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. A characterization of quantic quantifiers in orthomodular lattices
Leopoldo Román, 206-217
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Exponentiability in lax slices of Top
Susan Niefield, 218-235
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Closedness properties of internal relations I: A unified approach to Mal'tsev, unital and subtractive categories
Zurab Janelidze, 236-261
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Closedness properties of internal relations II: Bourn localization
Zurab Janelidze, 262-282
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: tensored and cotensored categories
Isar Stubbe, 283-306
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Stable meet semilattice fibrations and free restriction categories
J.R.B. Cockett and Xiuzhan Guo, 307-341
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. TFT Construction of RCFT correlators V: Proof of modular invariance and factorisation
Jens Fjelstad, Jurgen Fuchs, Ingo Runkel and Christoph Schweigert, 342-433
abstract | ps | pdf

17. Spectra of finitely generated Boolean flows
John F. Kennison, 434-459
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Paths in double categories
R. J. MacG. Dawson, R. Paré, and D. A. Pronk, 460-521
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Numerology in topoi
Peter Freyd, 522-528
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. Categorical representations of categorical groups
John W. Barrett and Marco Mackaay, 529-557
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

21. Compactifications, C(X) and ring epimorphisms
W.D. Burgess and R. Raphael, 558-584
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

22. On categorical crossed modules
P. Carrasco, A.R. Garzon and E.M. Vitale, 585-618
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

23. Equivalence of 2D-multitopic category and ana-bicategory
Param Jyothi Reddy R, 619-667
abstract | ps | pdf

24. Descent for monads
Pieter Hofstra and Federico De Marchi, 668-699
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

25. Topological *-autonomous categories
Michael Barr, 700-708
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

26. Quotient models of a category up to directed homotopy
Marco Grandis, 709-735
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

27. Categories of components and loop-free categories
Emmanuel Haucourt, 736-770
abstract | pdf

28. Pullback and finite coproduct preserving functors between categories of permutation representations
Elango Panchadcharam and Ross Street, 771-784
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

29. Categorified algebra and quantum mechanics
Jeffrey Morton, 785-854
abstract | ps | pdf

30. A cohomological description of connections and curvature over posets
John E. Roberts and Giuseppe Ruzzi, 855-895
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

31. Generating families in a topos
Toby Kenney, 896-922
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

32. Copower objects and their applications to finiteness in topoi
Toby Kenney, 923-956
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

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Volume 15 - CT2004*

A special volume of articles from the CT2004 Conference

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Predicative algebraic set theory
Steve Awodey and Michael A. Warren, 1-39
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Reflective Kleisli subcategories of the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras for factorization monads
Marcelo Fiore and Matias Menni, 40-65
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Model structures for homotopy of internal categories
T. Everaert, R.W. Kieboom and T. Van der Linden, 66-94
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. The shape of a category up to directed homotopy
Marco Grandis, 95-146
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Algebraic models of intuitionistic theories of sets and classes
S. Awodey and H. Forssell, 147-163
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Generic commutative separable algebras and cospans of graphs
R. Rosebrugh, N. Sabadini and R.F.C. Walters, 164-177
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. A Galois theory with stable units for simplicial sets
Joao J. Xarez, 178-193
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank George Janelidze, John MacDonald, Ross Street and Walter Tholen who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

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Volume 14 - 2005

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: categories, distributors and functors
Isar Stubbe, 1-45
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. On essential ring embeddings and the epimorphic hull of C(X)
R. Raphael, R.G. Woods, 46-52
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Absolute homology
Michael Barr, 53-59
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Thin elements and commutative shells in cubical omega-categories
Philip J. Higgins, 60-74
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Adjunction models for call-by-push-value with stacks
Paul Blain Levy, 75-110
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Abstract physical traces
Samson Abramsky and Bob Coecke, 111-124
abstract | ps | pdf

7. A monadic approach to polycategories
Juergen Koslowski, 125-156
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Introduction to coalgebra
Jiri Adamek, 157-199
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. A homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space II: a van Kampen theorem
R. Brown, K.H. Kamps, and T. Porter, 200-220
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Canonical and op-canonical lax algebras
Gavin J. Seal, 221-243
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. On the representability of actions in a semi-abelian category
F. Borceux, G. Janelidze and G.M. Kelly, 244-286
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Groupoid enriched categories and natural systems
Teimuraz Pirashvili, 287-293
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Every group is representable by all natural transformations of some set-functor
Libor Barto and Petr Zima, 294-309
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Classification of concrete geometrical categories
Yves Diers, 310-327
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Localic completion of generalized metric spaces I
Steven Vickers, 328-356
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. Enlargements of categories
Lars Brünjes, Christian Serpé, 357-398
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Notes on enriched categories with colimits of some class
G.M. Kelly and V. Schmitt, 399-423
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Birkhoff's variety theorem with and without free algebras
Jiri Adamek and Vera Trnkova, 424-450
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Generalized Brown representability in homotopy categories
Jiri Rosicky, 451-479
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 13 - The Carboni Festschrift*

A special volume dedicated to Aurelio Carboni on the occasion of his 60'th birthday.

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

The guest editors, 1-4
dvi | ps | pdf

1. On von Neumann varieties
F. Borceux and J. Rosicky, 5-26
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Commutator theory in strongly protomodular categories
Dominique Bourn, 27-40
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. On extensions of lax monads
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Universal properties of Span
R.J.MacG. Dawson, R. Pare and D.A. Pronk, 61-85
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Derivations of categorical groups
A.R. Garzon, H. Inassaridze and A. del Rio, 86-105
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Semi-abelian monadic categories
Marino Gran and Jiri Rosicky, 106-113
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Normed combinatorial homology and noncommutative tori
Marco Grandis, 114-128
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Coalgebras, braidings, and distributive laws
Stefano Kasangian, Stephen Lack, and Enrico M. Vitale, 129-146
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Composing PROPs
Stephen Lack, 147-163
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Functorial concepts of complexity for finite automata
F. William Lawvere, 164-168
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Every small Sl-enriched category is Morita equivalent to an Sl-monoid
Bachuki Mesablishvili, 169-171
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Split structures
Robert Rosebrugh and R.J. Wood, 172-183
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. The monoidal centre as a limit
Ross Street, 184-190
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Generic morphisms, parametric representations and weakly cartesian monads
Mark Weber, 191-234
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Internal monotone-light factorization for categories via preorders
Joao Xarez, 235-251
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank G. Janelidze, S. Lack, F.W. Lawvere, E.M. Vitale and R.J. Wood who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

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Volume 12 - 2004

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Baer invariants in semi-abelian categories I: General theory
T. Everaert and T. Van der Linden, 1-33
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Simplicial approximation
J.F. Jardine, 34-72
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. Operads in higher-dimensional category theory
Tom Leinster, 73-194
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Baer invariants in semi-abelian categories II: Homology
T. Everaert and T. Van der Linden, 195-224
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. Notions of flatness relative to a Grothendieck topology
Panagis Karazeris, 225-236
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Moore categories
Diana Rodelo, 237-247
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Change of base for relational variable sets
Susan Niefield, 248-261
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. On subgroups of the Lambek pregroup
Michael Barr, 262-269
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Algebraically closed and existentially closed substructures in categorical context
Michel Hebert, 269-298
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Vertically iterated classical enrichment
Stefan Forcey, 299-325
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Several constructions for factorization systems
Dali Zangurashvili, 326-354
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. K-purity and orthogonality
Michel Hebert, 355-371
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. The double powerlocale and exponentiation: A case study in geometric logic
Steven Vickers, 372-422
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Higher-dimensional algebra V: 2-Groups
John C. Baez and Aaron D. Lauda, 423-491
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Higher-dimensional algebra VI: Lie 2-algebras
John C. Baez and Alissa S. Crans, 492-538
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

Return to top.

Volume 11 - 2003

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. Categorical models and quasigroup homotopies
George Voutsadakis, 1-14
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

2. Morphisms and modules for poly-bicategories
J.R.B. Cockett, J. Koslowski, and R.A.G. Seely, 15-74
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

3. The branching nerve of HDA and the Kan condition
Philippe Gaucher, 75-106
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

4. Isomorphisms between left and right adjoints
H. Fausk, P. Hu, and J.P. May, 107-131
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

5. The Wirthmuller isomorphism revisited
J.P. May, 132-142
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

6. Characterization of protomodular varieties of universal algebras
Dominique Bourn and George Janelidze, 143-147
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

7. Resolutions by polygraphs
François Métayer, 148-184
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

8. Cubical sets and their site
Marco Grandis and Luca Mauri, 185-211
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

9. Characterization of pointed varieties of universal algebras with normal projections
Zurab Janelidze, 212-214
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

10. Some algebraic applications of graded categorical group theory
A.M. Cegarra and A.R. Garzon, 215-251
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

11. Continuous categories revisited
J. Adamek, F. W. Lawvere, J. Rosicky, 252-282
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

12. Ring epimorphisms and C(X)
Michael Barr, W.D. Burgess and R. Raphael, 283-308
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

13. Partial toposes
Jean Bénabou and Thomas Streicher, 309-320
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

14. Some calculus with extensive quantities: wave equation
Anders Kock and Gonzalo E. Reyes, 321-336
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

15. Exponentiability in categories of lax algebras
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Walter Tholen, 337-352
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

16. The category of opetopes and the category of opetopic sets
Eugenia Cheng, 353-374
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

17. Modules
J.R.B. Cockett, J. Koslowski, R.A.G. Seely, and R.J. Wood, 375-396
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

18. Symmetric monoidal completions and the exponential principle among labeled combinatorial structures
Matias Menni, 397-419
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

19. Composition-representative subsets
Gary Griffing, 420-437
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

20. The strong amalgamation property and (effective) codescent morphisms
Dali Zangurashvili, 438-449
abstract | dvi | ps | pdf

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Volume 10 - 2002

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. A survey of definitions of n-category
Tom Leinster, 1-70
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. A homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space
Ronald Brown, Keith A. Hardie, Klaus Heiner Kamps, Timothy Porter, 71-93
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. Entity-relationship-attribute designs and sketches
Michael Johnson, Robert Rosebrugh and R.J. Wood, 94-112
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. Homology of Lie algebras with $\Lambda/q\Lambda$ coefficients and exact sequences
Emzar Khmaladze, 113-126
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Exponentiability of perfect maps: four approaches
Susan Niefield, 127-133
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. Coherence for factorization algebras
Robert Rosebrugh and R.J. Wood, 134-147
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. More on injectivity in locally presentable categories
J. Rosicky, J. Adamek and F. Borceux, 148-161
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. Colocalizations and their realizations as spectra
Friedrich W. Bauer, 162-179
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. On some properties of pure morphisms of commutative rings
Bachuki Mesablishvili, 180-186
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. Change of base, Cauchy completeness and reversibility
Anna Labella and Vincent Schmitt, 187-219
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

11. Derived operations in Goguen categories
Michael Winter, 220-247
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

12. Sober spaces and continuations
Paul Taylor, 248-300
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

13. Subspaces in abstract Stone duality
Paul Taylor, 301-368
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

14. Directed homotopy theory, II. Homotopy constructs
Marco Grandis, 369-391
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

15. The cyclic spectrum of a Boolean flow
John F. Kennison, 392-409
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

16. Simultaneously reflective And coreflective subcategories of presheaves
Robert El Bashir and Jiri Velebil, 410-423
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

17. Entropic Hopf algebras and models of non-commutative logic
Richard F. Blute, Francois Lamarche, Paul Ruet, 424-460
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

18. HSP subcategories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras
Michael Barr, 461-468
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

19. Opmonoidal monads
Paddy McCrudden, 469-485
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

20. A duality relative to a limit doctrine
C. Centazzo and E.M. Vitale, 486-497
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

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Volume 9 - CT2000*

A special volume of articles from the CT2000 Conference

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.
Conference photos

1. Infinitesimal aspects of the Laplace operator
Anders Kock, 1-16
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. A note on exactness and stability in homotopical algebra
Marco Grandis, 27-42
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. Simplicial torsors
Tibor Beke, 43-60
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. A note on actions of a monoidal category
G. Janelidze and G.M. Kelly, 61-91
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Classifying spaces of categories and term rewriting
Maurizio G. Citterio, 92-105
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. Categorical domain theory: Scott topology, powercategories, coherent categories
Panagis Karazeris, 106-120
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. The Hurwitz action and braid group orderings
Jonathon Funk, 121-150
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. Centrality and normality in protomodular categories
Dominique Bourn and Marino Gran, 151-165
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. The alternation hierarchy for the theory of $\mu$-lattices
Luigi Santocanale, 166-197
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. Simplicial matrices and the nerves of weak n-categories I: nerves of bicategories
John W. Duskin, 198-308
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

Participants in the CT2000 conference
dvi | ps | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Aurelio Carboni, Giuseppe Rosolini and Robert Walters who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

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Volume 8 - 2001

Table of contents also available in .dvi or .ps or .pdf format.

1. $n$-Permutable locally finitely presentable categories
Marino Gran and Maria-Cristina Pedicchio, 1-15
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. Exponentiable morphisms: posets, spaces, locales, and Grothendieck toposes
Susan Niefield, 16-32
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. On sifted colimits and generalized varieties
J. Adamek and J. Rosicky, 33-53
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. On Mackey topologies in topological abelian groups
Michael Barr and Heinrich Kleisli, 54-62
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Finite sum - product logic
J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, 63-99
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. On the pullback stability of a quotient map with respect to a closure operator
Lurdes Sousa, 100-113
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. Duality for simple $\omega$-categories and disks
Mihaly Makkai and Marek Zawadowski, 114-243
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. Finite sets and symmetric simplicial sets
Marco Grandis, 244-252
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. How algebraic is algebra?
J. Adamek, F. W. Lawvere and J. Rosicky, 253-283
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. Localization of $V$-categories
Bjorn Ian Dundas, 284-312
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

11. Limites inductives point par point dans les catégories accessibles
Pierre Ageron, 313-323
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

12. Combinatorics of branchings in higher dimensional automata
Philippe Gaucher, 324-376
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

13. How large are left exact functors?
J. Adamek, V. Koubek and V. Trnkova, 377-390
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

14. A categorical genealogy for the congruence distributive property
Dominique Bourn, 391-407
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

15. Pseudogroupoids and commutators
George Janelidze and M.Cristina Pedicchio, 408-456
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

16. Perfect maps are exponentiable - categorically
Gunther Richter and Walter Tholen, 457-464
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

17. Essential localizations and infinitary exact completion
Enrico M. Vitale, 465-480
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

18. Cartesian closed topological hull of the construct of closure spaces
V. Claes, E. Lowen-Colebunders and G. Sonck, 481-489
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

19. A sheaf-theoretic view of loop spaces
Mark W. Johnson, 490-508
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

20. On functors which are lax epimorphisms
Jiri Adamek, Robert El Bashir, Manuela Sobral, Jiri Velebil, 509-21
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

21. Closure operators in exact completions
Matias Menni, 522-540
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

22. The extensive completion of a distributive category
J.R.B. Cockett and Stephen Lack, 541-554
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

23. V-Cat is locally presentable or locally bounded if V is so
G. M. Kelly and Stephen Lack, 555-575
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

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Volume 7 - 2000

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. On branched covers in topos theory
Jonathon Funk, 1-22
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. A pseudo representation theorem for various categories of relations
M. Winter, 23-37
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. Pure morphisms of commutative rings are effective descent morphisms for modules -- a new proof
Bachuki Mesablishvili, 38-42
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. On saturated classes of morphisms
Carles Casacuberta and Armin Frei, 43-46
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Factorization systems for symmetric cat-groups
S. Kasangian and E.M. Vitale, 47-70
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. Balanced coalgebroids
Paddy McCrudden, 71-147
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. On the monadicity of categories with chosen colimits
G. M. Kelly and Stephen Lack, 148-170
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. M-Completeness is seldom monadic over graphs
J. Adamek and G. M. Kelly, 171-205
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. Normal functors and strong protomodularity
Dominique Bourn, 206-218
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. Central extensions in Malt'sev varieties
G. Janelidze and G. M. Kelly, 219-226
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

11. On the object-wise tensor product of functors to modules
Marek Golasinski, 226-235
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

12. Quasi-varieties of presheaves
Enrico M. Vitale, 236-238
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

13. Solution manifolds for systems of differential equations
John F. Kennison, 239-262
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

14. A simplicial description of the homotopy category of simplicial groupoids
A. R. Garzon, J. G. Miranda and R. Osorio, 263-283
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

15. Geometric and higher order logic in terms of abstract Stone duality
Paul Taylor, 284-338
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

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Volume 6 - The Lambek Festschrift*

A special volume dedicated to Joachim Lambek on the occasion of his 75'th birthday.

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.
Two photos of Jim Lambek.

Introduction, 1
dvi | ps | pdf

An appreciation of Jim Lambek at McGill
Michael Barr, 2-4
dvi | ps | pdf

1. *-Autonomous categories: once more around the track
Michael Barr, 5-24
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. A bicategorical approach to static modules
Renato Betti, 25-32
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. The categorical theory of self-similarity
Peter Hines, 33-46
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. A note on rewriting theory for uniqueness of iteration
M. Okada and P. J. Scott, 47-64
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Contravariant functors on finite sets and Stirling numbers
Robert Paré, 65-76
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. Comparing coequalizer and exact completions
M. C. Pedicchio and J. Rosicky, 77-82
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. Enriched Lawvere theories
John Power, 83-93
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. Some epimorphic regular contexts
R. Raphael, 94-104
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. Natural deduction and coherence for non-symmetric linearly distributive categories
Robert R. Schneck, 105-146
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

* The Editors of TAC wish to thank Michael Barr, Philip Scott and Robert Seely who acted as guest editors for this special volume.

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Volume 5 - 1999

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. A note on discrete Conduché fibrations
Peter Johnstone, 1-11
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. A tensor product for Gray-categories
Sjoerd Crans, 12-69
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. A note on the exact completion of a regular category, and its infinitary generalizations
Stephen Lack, 70-80
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. A useful category for mixed Abelian groups
Grigore Calugareanu, 81-90
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. Distributive laws for pseudomonads
Francisco Marmolejo, 91-147
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. Convergence in exponentiable spaces
Claudio Pisani, 148-162
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. Double categories, 2-categories, thin structures and connections
Ronald Brown and Ghafar Mosa, 163-175
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

8. Chu-spaces, a group algebra and induced representations
Eva Schläpfer, 176-201
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

9. When projective does not imply flat, and other homological anomalies
L. Gaunce Lewis, Jr., 202-250
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. Aspects of fractional exponent functors
Anders Kock and Gonzalo Reyes, 251-265
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf | Reference

11. Generalized congruences -- epimorphisms in Cat
M.Bednarczyk, A.Borzyszkowski, W.Pawlowski, 266-280
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

12. Localizations of Maltsev varieties
Marino Gran and Enrico Maria Vitale, 281-291
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

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Volume 4 - 1998

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Pasting in multiple categories
Richard Steiner, 1-36
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

2. Protomodularity, descent, and semidirect products
D. Bourn and G. Janelidze, 37-46
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

3. A theory of enriched sketches
F. Borceux, C. Quinteiro and J. Rosicky, 47-72
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

4. Simplicial and categorical diagrams, and their equivariant applications
Rudolf Fritsch and Marek Golasinski, 73-81
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

5. A 2-categorical approach to change of base and geometric morphisms II
A. Carboni, G.M.Kelly, D.Verity and R.J.Wood, 73-136
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

6. The separated extensional Chu category
Michael Barr, 137-147
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

7. Applications of Peiffer pairings in the Moore complex of a simplicial group
A. Mutlu and T. Porter, 148-173
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf | Reference

8. Freeness conditions for 2-crossed modules and complexes
A. Mutlu and T. Porter, 174-194
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf | Reference

9. Geometric construction of the Levi-Civita parallelism
Anders Kock, 195-207
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

10. On generic separable objects
Robbie Gates, 208-248
abstract | dvi | dvi.gz | ps | ps.gz | pdf

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Volume 3 - 1997

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Higher dimensional Peiffer elements in simplicial commutative algebras,
Z. Arvasi and T. Porter, pp. 1-23
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

2. Doctrines whose structure forms a fully faithful adjoint string
F. Marmolejo, pp. 23-44
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

3. Note on a theorem of Putnam's
Michael Barr, pp. 45-49
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

4. Lax operad actions and coherence for monoidal n-categories, A_{\infty} rings and modules
Gerald Dunn, pp. 50-84
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

5. Proof theory for full intuitionistic linear logic, bilinear logic, and MIX categories
J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, pp. 85-131
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | stmaryrd fonts

6. The reflectiveness of covering morphisms in algebra and geometry,
George Janelidze and Max Kelly, pp. 132-159
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

7. Crossed squares and 2-crossed modules of commutative algebras
Zekeriya Arvasi, pp. 160-181
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

8. Monads and interpolads in bicategories
J"urgen Koslowski, pp. 182-212
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

9. On property-like structures
G. M. Kelly and Stephen Lack, pp. 213-250
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

10. Closed model categories for [n,m]-types
J. Ignacio Extremiana Aldana, Luis J. Hernandez Paricio, and M. Teresa Rivas Rodriguez, pp. 251-268
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

11. Multilinearity of sketches
David B. Benson, pp. 269-277
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

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Volume 2 - 1996

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

Editorial Notice: Robert W. Thomason 1952-1995
I. Moerdijk, pp. 1-2
dvi | ps | pdf

1. Computing crossed modules induced by an inclusion of a normal subgroup, with applications to homotopy 2-types
Ronald Brown and Christopher D. Wensley, pp. 3-16
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

2. The Chu construction
Michael Barr, pp. 17-35
abstract | dvi | ps | | pdf | rsfs fonts

3. A counterexample to a conjecture of Barr
Sarah Whitehouse, pp. 36-39
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

4. An algebraic description of locally multipresentable categories
Jiri Adamek and Jiri Rosicky, pp. 40-53
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | rsfs fonts

5. Finiteness of a non-abelian tensor product of groups
N. Inassaridze, pp. 54-61
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

6. On quantic conuclei in orthomodular lattices
Leopoldo Roman and Rita E. ZuaZua, pp. 62-68
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

7. Combinatorics of curvature and the Bianchi identity
Anders Kock, pp. 69-89
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

8. Remarks on quintessential and persistent localizations
Peter T. Johnstone, pp. 90-99
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

9. Glueing analysis for complemented subtoposes
Anders Kock and Till Plewe, pp. 100-112
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

10. A note on free regular and exact completions and their infinitary generalizations
Hongde Hu and Walter Tholen, pp. 113-132
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

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Volume 1 - 1995

Table of contents also available in dvi or pdf format.

1. Oriented singular homology
Michael Barr, pp. 1-9
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

2. Functorial and algebraic properties of Brown's P functor
Luis-Javier Hernandez-Paricio, pp. 10-53
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

3. On finite induced crossed modules, and the homotopy 2-type of mapping cones
Ronald Brown and Christopher D. Wensley, pp. 54-71
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

4. Kan extensions along promonoidal functors
Brian Day and Ross Street, pp. 72-77
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

5. Symmetric monoidal categories model all connective spectra
R. W. Thomason, pp. 78-118
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic, Cyrillic fonts

6. Distributive adjoint strings
Robert Rosebrugh and R. J. Wood, pp. 119-145
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Reference

7. A forbidden-suborder characterization of binarily-composable diagrams in double categories
Robert Dawson, pp. 146-153
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

8. Categorical data-specifications
Frank Piessens and Eric Steegmans, pp. 156-173
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf | Xy-pic fonts

9. On the size of categories
Peter Freyd and Ross Street, pp. 174-181
abstract | dvi | dvi.Z | ps | ps.Z | pdf

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